   (A)   The Attorney shall act as the legal counselor and advisor of the Council and other officers and, as such, shall give his or her opinion in writing when requested.
   (B)   He or she shall draft all deeds, contracts, conveyances, ordinances, resolutions and other legal instruments when required by the Town Manager.
   (C)   He or she shall approve as to form, in writing, all drafts of contracts and all officer or other bonds before final approval or acceptance thereof by the Council.
   (D)   He or she shall return, within ten days, all ordinances and resolutions submitted to him or her for consideration by the Town Manager, with his or her approval or disapproval as to form noted thereon, together with his or her reasons therefor.
   (E)   He or she, or a designee retained with the approval of the Town Manager, shall prosecute and defend all suits, actions or causes where the town is a party, and shall report to the Council, when required, the condition of any suit or action to which the town is a party.
(1990 Code, § 3-2-5)
   The Town Magistrate shall be the presiding officer of the Municipal Court, and the Magistrate and such additional Magistrates as deemed necessary shall be appointed by the Town Manager and shall perform those functions necessary to the maintenance of the Municipal Court, as provided by state statute Chapter 34.
(1990 Code, § 3-2-6)
   (A)   The Public Works Director shall:
      (1)   Supervise the grading, surfacing, repair and maintenance of all streets and alleys;
      (2)   Have charge of and supervise the repair and upkeep of all public works equipment;
      (3)   Have supervisory authority over all individuals employed by the town to carry on the appropriate public works of the town including but not limited to streets, parks, cemetery and sewer;
      (4)   Be responsible for the accomplishment of such other work of the town including health and sanitation which the Town Manager may from time to time assign to him or her; and
      (5)   Present to the Town Manager each month a written report of the public work accomplished the preceding month, and also, as far as can be foreseen, public work planned for the current month.
   (B)   The Public Works Director may supervise the installation and maintenance of all water mains and water services, except the installation of water mains which are accomplished by contract.
(1990 Code, § 3-2-7)