There is hereby created a commission to be known as the Town of Clifton Historic Preservation Commission.
   (A)   It is intended that the Commission shall consist of five members to be appointed by the Town Council.
      (1)   All members of the Commission shall have a demonstrated interest, experience or knowledge in at least one of the following: history, architectural history, architecture, historic interiors, historic architecture, planning, archeology/historic archeology, real estate/historic preservation law, or other preservation-related field. The Council may appoint the most qualified individual if not able to otherwise fulfill this requirement.
      (2)   To the extent available in the community, at least two members shall be professionals from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archeology or related historic preservation disciplines such as cultural, geography or cultural anthropology.
      (3)   Ex officio member: Planning Director or his or her designee.
      (4)   If a field described in divisions (A)(1) and (A)(2) above are not represented by a Commission member, the Commission must obtain expertise in the field when considering national register nominations and other actions that will impact properties that are normally evaluated by a professional in that field.
   (B)   Commission members shall serve for a term of three years, with the exception of the initial term of two of the five members which shall be one year, two of which shall be two years, and one which shall be three years. Commission members may be reappointed to serve consecutive terms following the initial term. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Commission. Vacancies shall be filled within 60 days.
   (C)   The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Commission shall be elected by and from the members of the Commission.
   (D)   The responsibilities of the Commission shall include:
      (1)   Promulgation of rules and regulations as necessary for the conduct of its business;
      (2)   Review of criteria for the identification of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of Historic Districts;
      (3)   Review existing surveys of significant historic/architectural, and cultural landmarks and Historic Districts within the town and periodically update the survey;
      (4)   Recommendation to the Town Council the designation of identified structures or resources as landmarks and Historic Districts;
      (5)   Acceptance on behalf of the town government of the donation of facade easements and development rights; the making of recommendations to the Town Council concerning the acquisition of facade easements or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter;
      (6)   Increasing public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing and participating in public education programs;
      (7)   Making recommendations to the Town Council concerning the utilization of state, federal or private funds to promote the preservation of landmarks and Historic Districts within the town;
      (8)   Recommending acquisition of a landmark structure by the town where its preservation is essential to the purposes of this chapter and where private preservation is not feasible;
      (9)   Approval or disapproval of applications for certificates of appropriateness pursuant to this chapter;
      (10)   Cooperate with and assist the State Preservation Officer in his or her activities which relate to the town; and
      (11)   Such other responsibilities are required by state and federal laws or regulations.
   (E)   The Commission shall meet four times per year, but meetings may be held at any time on the written request of any two of the Commission members or on the call of the Chairperson or the Mayor. All meetings shall comply with the Open Meeting Law of the state.
   (F)   A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of three of the Commission’s members. Final decisions may be made by a majority of the members present.
(Ord. 01-96, passed 3-14-1996)