For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALTERATION. Any construction or change of the exterior of a building, object, site or structure or of an interior space designated a landmark. For buildings, objects or structures, ALTERATION shall include but is not limited to, the changing of roofing or siding materials; changing, eliminating or adding doors, door frames, windows, window frames, shutters, fences, railings, porches, balconies, swings or other ornamentation and the changing of paint color. ALTERATION shall not include ordinary repair and maintenance as defined below.
BUILDING. A structure created to shelter any form of human activity, such as a house, barn, church, hotel or similar structure. BUILDING may refer to an historically related complex, such as a courthouse and jail or a house and barn.
CEMETERY. Any site which contains at least one burial, marked or previously marked, considered a dedicated cemetery under the state statutes, even though suffering neglect or abuse.
CONSTRUCTION. The act of adding an addition to a structure or the erection of a new principal or accessory structure on a lot or property, that requires a building permit.
CONTRIBUTING SIGNIFICANCE. A classification applied to a building, site, structure or object within a Historic District signifying that it contributes generally to the qualities that give the community cultural, historic, architectural or archeological distinction, but without having exceptional significance as defined below.
DEMOLITION. Any act or process that partially or totally destroys a landmark or a structure within a Historic District.
DESIGN GUIDELINE. A specific type of design criteria approved by the Commission at the time of designation of a landmark, Historic District, Historic Landscape District or Urban Conservation District and to be used in conjunction with other design criteria in the ordinance in reviewing alteration, construction, removal or demolition.
EXCEPTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. A classification applied to a building, site, structure or object signifying the individual contribution the resource brings to the community in representation of the qualities that give the community cultural, historic, architectural or archeological distinction. EXCEPTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE can be applied to either a “Landmark” or to those resources within a “Historic District” which are of individual importance.
EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL APPEARANCE. The architectural character and general composition of the exterior of a structure, including, but not limited to, the kind, color, and texture of the building material and the type, design and character of all architectural details and elements, including, but not limited to, windows, doors, walls, roofs, overhangs, signs and yards and/or open spaces.
HISTORIC DISTRICT. An area with definable boundaries designated as a “Historic District” by the Town Council and in which a substantial number of properties, sites, structures or objects have a high degree of cultural, historic, architectural or archaeological significance and integrity, many of which may qualify as landmarks, and which may also have within its boundaries other properties, sites, structures or objects which, while not of such cultural, historic, architectural or archaeological significance to qualify as landmarks, nevertheless contribute to the overall visual characteristics or the significant properties, sites, structures or objects located within it.
INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. The architectural character and general composition of the interior of a structure, including, but not limited to, room design and configuration, materials and the type, pattern and character of all architectural details and elements, including, but not limited to staircases, doors, hardware, moldings, trim, plaster work, light fixtures and wall coverings.
LANDMARK. A property, site, structure or object that is individually designated by the Town Council that is worthy of rehabilitation, restoration and preservation because of its historic, cultural, architectural or archaeological exceptional significance to the town.
NON-CONTRIBUTING. A designation applied to a site, structure or object within a Historic District indicating that it is not a representation of the qualities that give the Historic District cultural, historic, architectural or archaeological significance as embodies in the criteria for designating a Historic District.
ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Regular, customary or usual care, reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing building, structure or object, for the purposes of preserving said property and maintaining it in safe and sanitary condition.
PROPERTY. Land and improvements identified as a separate lot for purposes of the subdivision and zoning regulations of the Town of Clifton.
REPAIR. Any change that is not alteration, construction removal or demolition.
STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a permanent or semi-permanent location on or in the ground, including, without limitation, buildings, garages, fences, gazebos, advertising signs, billboards, antennas, satellite sending or receiving dishes, and swimming pools.
(Ord. 01-96, passed 3-14-1996)