The following design characteristics and amenities are provided as a non-exclusive guide of items to be considered for all development plans. Additional design characteristics and public benefits and amenities not listed may also be considered.
(a) Historic preservation and adaptive reuse of existing structures.
(b) The use of sustainable design and architecture, such as the use and/or incorporation of green roofs or white roofs, solar panels, wind turbines and other alternative energy efficient systems, and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or LEED-equivalent structures.
(c) Incorporation of passive solar building and site design, where the design of the structure and the layout of the lots within the development collect solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and minimize heat in the summer.
(d) Where the development requires the demolition of existing structures, recycling and reuse of building materials from demolished structures.
(e) Site design that incorporates public safety initiatives, such as strategies advocated by Transportation Demand Management, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Safe Routes to School.
(f) Preservation of natural features where the design of the site provides more usable and suitably located open space and natural amenities. The use of conservation easements is encouraged.
(g) Innovative storm water management techniques that exceed the performance standards required by the Ordinance and the City Code, and reduce the amount of impervious surface on the site.
(h) Additional public infrastructure improvements in addition to the minimum required by the planned development overlay, such as new or repaved streets, provision of bicycle paths, installation of gutters and sewers, new public transit stations, and traffic control devices to improve traffic flow.
(i) Community amenities such as public art, places to congregate such as plazas, malls, gardens, outdoor seating, and pedestrian and transit facilities.
(j) Additional open space and recreational amenities such as recreational open space and playgrounds, including athletic fields, dog parks, and natural water features and conservation areas above that required by the Zoning Code.
(k) Provision of car or bicycle sharing facilities on-site.
(Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)