1131.01 PURPOSE.
   Commercial District regulations are established to ensure the availability of suitable areas for business and commercial uses and to encourage sustainable development and practices. Desirable and beneficial uses of land are sought through these regulations to preserve and enhance the character of the City and the value of these districts. Four (4) commercial zoning districts have been established to meet the needs of the community.
   (a)   The C-1 Office District is for limited application along certain major streets adjacent to higher density residential areas where the integration of offices would be appropriate but where retail and commercial services would not be.
   (b)   The C-2 Local Retail District is established to provide standards for the continued operation of small neighborhood commercial establishments and to concentrate new retail businesses in buildings that typically locate side by side in order to promote and encourage pedestrian activity. Parking and driveways are generally located so as not to disrupt the pedestrian activity.
   (c)   The C-2X Multiple-Use District is established to provide standards for the continued operation of mixed use neighborhoods and to provide for dense, mixed uses along main thoroughfares and to concentrate mixed-use buildings to promote and encourage pedestrian activity. Parking and driveways are generally located so as not to disrupt the pedestrian activity.
   (d)   The C-3 General Commercial District is established to provide for higher intensity commercial uses (including automotive uses) along certain major streets where the level of traffic volume warrants such uses and to provide locations for commercial uses which generally require independent, freestanding buildings and larger amounts of parking. (Ord. 187-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)