For the purposes of this chapter the section of Lewisville-Clemmons Road between I-40 south to U.S. Highway 158-Clemmons Road shall have a separate set of standards. These standards have been established in response to a documented crash history and need to enhance safety, traffic operations, and mobility. These conditions have been documented in the adopted Village Transportation Plan and the Lewisville-Clemmons Road Connectivity Study. The resulting standards are therefore intended to provide for the orderly development of driveways in a manner consistent with the established vision for the corridor.
General considerations:
• Should be designed with future connections in mind.
• Stub to all adjoining commercially zoned parcels is encouraged.
• Parking and circulation should be configured to accommodate adjacent connectivity, creating an effective “backage” road where feasible.
• Adequate internal stacking should be required to avoid spillback onto Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
• These sites should be limited to a single driveway unless they have 300+ linear feet of frontage on Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
1. Parcels without Side-Street Access.
(a) A single full movement driveway shall be permitted or a single right-in/right-out (RIRO) driveway per the following requirements:
• Full-movement driveway should maintain a driveway throat no less than 100 feet from the intersection with Lewisville-Clemmons Road. Full movement access from the driveway throat shall be provided at a point located no less than 200 feet from the intersection with Lewisville-Clemmons Road. An additional RIRO access from the driveway throat will be permitted when located between 100 feet and 200 feet from the intersection with Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
• In lieu of a full movement driveway from Lewisville-Clemmons Road, a RIRO driveway from Lewisville-Clemmons Road may be constructed consistent with all other spacing and dimension requirements found within the driveway policy.
(b) No deceleration lanes will be required by the village, except at the street-type main entryways for multi-tenant developments, at the discretion of NCDOT and village.
(c) Same number and spacing standards as those described on Table 1 (see § 94.48(C)).
2. Parcels with Side-Street Access:
(a) Full movement access to Lewisville-Clemmons Road is prohibited except where the parcel has 200+ feet of linear frontage along Lewisville-Clemmons Road.
(b) In cases where the parcel has less than 200 feet of frontage along Lewisville-Clemmons Road, a full movement driveway shall be permitted from the side street, to be located a minimum distance of 100 feet from the Lewisville-Clemmons Road intersection or as far away as reasonably can be achieved.
(c) Parcels with 200+ feet of frontage are entitled to one right-in/right-out (RIRO) driveway on Lewisville-Clemmons Road. Parcels with greater than 300 feet of frontage may be permitted an additional full-movement driveway on Lewisville-Clemmons Road, with the expressed approval by NCDOT and village (driveway must comply with all other setback and dimensional requirements).
(d) All sites should be designed with provisions for connections to adjoining commercially zoned parcels, including circulation drive aisles. In no case should offsite access be prohibited. Shared-use driveways are encouraged.
(e) Deceleration-acceleration lanes may be required per the standards set forth in the driveway policy.
3. Additional Requirements:
All access and traffic signal locations should conform to the preferred access strategy exhibit of the Lewisville-Clemmons Road Connectivity Study. Deviations from the preferred access strategy will only be allowed with approvals from NCDOT and the village.
NOTE: As with all other aspects of this policy, deviations to these standards may be approved by the village upon written request by the property owner. Approvals shall be granted only in cases where unusual geometric conditions or safety concerns warrant deviations from the standards contained herein.
Figure 3 on the following page communicates the standards described herein.
(Ord. 2012-02, passed 2-27-12)