(A) Spills or leaks of polluting substances released, discharged to, or having the potential to be released or discharged to the stormwater conveyance system, shall be contained, controlled, collected, and properly disposed. All affected areas shall be restored to their preexisting condition.
(B) In the event of a known or suspected illicit discharge of hazardous materials into the MS4, the user shall immediately notify emergency response agencies of the occurrence via emergency dispatch services. In the event of a non-hazardous illicit discharge, the user shall notify the Stormwater Administrator in person or by phone or facsimile no later than the next business day. Notifications in person or by phone shall be confirmed by written notice addressed and mailed to the Village of Clemmons Stormwater Administrator within three business days of the phone notice. If an illicit discharge emanates from a commercial or industrial land use, the user shall also retain an on-site written record of the discharge and the actions taken to prevent its recurrence. Such records shall be retained for at least three years.
(Ord. 2009-05, passed 5-26-09)