(A)   It being brought to the attention of the City Council that certain pornographic material, primarily but not limited to, reading material, distribution of magazines and books classified “art” which contains therein nudity and other pornography all of which such material may be obscene in the minds of the majority of the people and detrimental to the young children of this city, and the distributor, either wholesaler or retailer, not being known nor any method to determine who sold the material, the City Council is of the opinion that this material hereinabove referred to is affecting the welfare of the citizens of the city, and that such distributors should be known.
   (B)   To determine the distributor and retailer of material described in division (A), henceforth after the passage of this section, such wholesaler and distributor of any material which may be classified pornographic, sold and distributed for the purpose of art but which material involves and contains nudity, obscenity or relates to sex in any manner, shall be required to stamp on the inside back-cover of such material being sold, distributed or given away, the name of the retailer and wholesaler from which such material is made available to the public.
('68 Code, § 19-19.1(a),(b)) (Ord. passed 4-14-70; Am. Ord. 7-1991-21, passed 7-25-91) Penalty, see § 130.99