(A)   It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to use, construct or operate in connection with any producing well within the city limits, any crude oil storage tanks, except to the extent of two low-type tanks for oil storage, not exceeding a 500-barrel capacity for each well connected thereto, or, in the alternative, low-type tanks of sufficient capacity to hold 24 hours of production from such well; the tanks to be so constructed and maintained as closed tanks and properly vented. An operator may use, construct and operate a steel conventional separator, heater treater, vapor recovery unit, and such other tanks and appurtenances as are necessary for treating oil with each of such facilities, to be so constructed and maintained according to API standards. Each oil/gas separator shall be equipped with both a pressure-relief safety valve and burst plate. All such tanks shall be placed above ground, upon a suitable earth or concrete pad.
   (B)   The use of a central tank battery is permitted so long as not more than two tanks as specified are used for each well connected to the battery, plus one 500-barrel water tank.
   (C)   The tanks or tanks shall be enclosed within a dike constructed of metal or compacted earth; sufficient water shall be used during construction of an earthen dike to assure adequate compaction. The metal or earthen dike shall have a minimum capacity equal to two times the volume of the tanks enclosed.
   (D)   (1)   It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to locate a storage tank or separator site nearer than 400 feet to any protected use, or permanent accessory building used in connection therewith, within the city.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful and an offense for any person to locate a storage tank site or separator site between 400 feet and 600 feet from the nearest protected use, or permanent accessory building used in connection therewith, within the city, without the unanimous consent of all of the property owners within 600 feet of the site, or the affirmative vote of the City Council cast at the time of the consideration of the drilling permit application or at a subsequent meeting.
('68 Code, § 19½-13) (Ord. 10-1987-55, passed 10-20-87; Am. Ord. 01-2007-07, passed 1-23-07) Penalty, see § 118.99