With the exception of authorized emergency vehicles, all vehicles stored or parked on residential properties shall conform to the following restrictions:
   (A)   It is unlawful for any person to store or park a motor vehicle on or in any space, garage, carport, or other storage space or structure on a residential zoned property if the motor vehicle is:
      (1)   A heavy load vehicle;
      (2)   Equipped with more than two axles;
      (3)   Greater than eight feet in height;
      (4)   Designed to carry more than 15 passengers; or
      (5)   Designed, used, or maintained primarily to transport property.
   (B)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park a trailer or boat on or in any space on property zoned MF Multifamily unless the trailer or boat is stored or parked within a separate approved storage facility or area on the property or at an approved off-site location.
   (C)   Trailers and boats stored or parked at a separate storage facility or area on a MF zoned property shall comply with division (D).
   (D)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park a trailer or boat on or in any space, garage, carport, or other storage space or structure on a single-family SF zoned property if the trailer or boat is greater than:
      (1)   16,000 pounds GVWR;
      (2)   Eight feet in height; or
      (3)   Twenty-four feet in length.
   (E)   In addition to the restrictions in division (D), it is unlawful for a person to store or park a trailer or boat in the front yard or side yard of a Single Family SF zoned property unless the trailer or boat is:
      (1)   Parked from the side property line a distance greater than or equal to the required side yard setback of the property;
      (2)   Parked on an improved surface;
      (3)   Less than 36 inches in height if parked within the driver’s line of sight zone required by city ordinance.
   (F)   In addition to the restrictions in division (D), it is unlawful for a person to store or park a trailer or boat in the rear yard of a Single Family SF zoned property unless the trailer is:
      (1)   Parked three or more feet from any adjacent property line; and
      (2)   Parked on an improved surface.
   (G)   Boat height is measured with the boat on the trailer. Boat length is measured excluding the length of the boat trailer. Trailer length is measured excluding the hitch.
   (H)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park construction equipment on or in any space, garage, carport, trailer, or other storage space or structure on a residential property. It is a defense to prosecution if the construction equipment is operated, stored, or parked at a designated construction site.
   (I)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park more than one trailer in the front and/or side yard of a Single Family SF zoned property.
   (J)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park more than one boat in the front and/or side yard of a Single Family SF zoned property.
   (K)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park more than two trailers or two boats outside an enclosed building on a Single Family SF zoned property with an area less than or equal to 10,000 square feet. It is unlawful for a person to store or park more than four trailers or four boats outside an enclosed building on a Single Family SF zoned property with an area greater than 10,000 square feet. It is a defense to prosecution if the trailer is stored or parked on a property zoned Agricultural A.
   (L)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park recreational equipment outside an enclosed building that is dismantled or inoperative due to mechanical failure, collision, or dilapidation;
   (M)   It is unlawful for a person to store or park trailers containing rubbish or garbage loaded with construction equipment or loaded with other items in violation of the outside storage ordinance on any residential property.
   (N)   It is unlawful for a person to store materials or items of any nature on or beneath motor vehicles, trailers, watercraft, recreational vehicles, or recreational equipment parked or stored on residential property.
   (O)   Parking spaces and access driveways shall be designed and constructed in such a manner to properly support the gross weight of all vehicles parked on the space, prohibit weed growth through the surface and prevent the seepage of oil, fuel and other vehicle fluids into the ground.
   (P)   Parking spaces and access driveways within a residential area shall be classified as:
      (1)   Existing parking space;
      (2)   New parking space; or
      (3)   Modified parking space.
   (Q)   Existing parking spaces are those parking spaces and access driveways legally constructed prior to April 25, 2023. Existing parking spaces may be constructed of concrete, asphalt, concrete or brick pavers, rock and/or gravel. Maintenance of an existing parking space shall be made with the same surface material as the existing parking space, but replacement of an existing parking space shall meet the requirements for a new parking space.
   (R)   New parking spaces are those parking spaces constructed on or after March 25, 2023 and are not contiguous with an existing parking space. New parking spaces shall conform to the following requirements:
      (1)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of asphalt shall be constructed with a minimum of four inches of full-depth asphalt or two inches of asphalt on top of six inches of packed granular aggregate for the subbase;
      (2)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of concrete shall be constructed with a minimum of six inches of reinforced concrete.
   (S)   Modified parking spaces are additional parking spaces added to an existing parking space and:
      (1)   The added parking space or access driveway shall be contiguous with eight or more lineal feet of an existing parking space or access driveway;
      (2)   The surface material of the added parking space and access driveways shall match the type of material of the existing parking space contiguous with the added space;
      (3)   Unless an approved circular drive is installed, the additional parking space shall not exceed eight feet in width and the total surface area of all existing and added parking space shall not exceed 50% of the surface area of the front yard;
      (4)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of rock and/or gravel shall be constructed with a minimum of six inches of packed road base gravel and shall be contained by a rigid border to prevent the rock or gravel from spreading beyond the improved surface area;
      (5)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of asphalt shall be constructed with a minimum of four inches of full-depth asphalt or two inches of asphalt on top of six inches of packed granular aggregate for the subbase;
      (6)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of brick pavers or concrete pavers shall be constructed with a minimum of six inches of packed granular aggregate for the subbase;
   (T)   Parking spaces and access driveways constructed of concrete shall be constructed with a minimum of six inches of reinforced concrete.
(Ord. 04-2023-30, passed 4-25-23)