(A)    The responsibility of creating a permanent collection to support the mission of the Museum and to direct limited resources toward the artifacts most likely to survive another century, suggests that objects will be deaccessioned when their physical integrity diminishes to the point of serving no purpose for exhibits or research.
   (B)    Such action will be preceded by: recommendation of the curator, approval of the Museum Board, and permission of the City Manager.
   (C)    No donated object shall be deaccessioned for any reason for two years after the date of its acquisition. (See U. S. Tax Reform Act of 1984 and 1. R. S. regulations)
   (D)    Every attempt shall be made to contact the donor family. If the donor is deceased, the executor of the estate is responsible for negotiations with the Museum.
   (E)    A complete record of all deaccessions will be maintained by the curator.
(Ord. 10-1999-109, passed 10-12-99)