It shall be unlawful for any operator of a vehicle to stop or park the same in a parking space for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise, supplies. and materials, except where the place of business where such merchandise, supplies or materials are to be loaded or unloaded does not have either a usable entrance from an adjoining alley or an officially designated loading zone on that part of the street adjacent to such place of business. Where there is neither a usable entrance to a place of business from an alley, nor an officially designated loading zone on that part of the street adjacent to such place of business, the operator of a vehicle may, without making deposit in any parking meter, use not to exceed two parking spaces for loading or unloading at such places of business, for the length of time necessary to expeditiously load or unload such vehicle and give or secure a delivery receipt.
('68 Code, § 27-108) Penalty, see § 70.99