Any person who unlawfully interferes with, interrupts or disturbs the business of any person, or who on any street, alley, or public place or within any place of business applies to any person any indecent, vulgar, obscene, profane or scurrilous epithet or makes use of indecent, vulgar and/or obscene language, or disturbs the peace and quiet of the town or any of the inhabitants thereof by shouting or by singing lewd and obscene songs, or who disturbs the peace of any inhabitant after being notified to depart by the inhabitant, or who attempts in any manner to vex, harass, or annoy the residents, agents or proprietors or any residence or any place of business, or who in any manner vexes, harasses, annoys or excites any weak-minded person, thereby provoking the person to the use of angry, profane or vulgar language, shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct.
(Ord. 32, passed 5-8-61) Penalty, see § 10.99