12-1-2: PURPOSES:
   A.   The purposes of this title are:
      1.   To promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the City.
      2.   To ensure the efficient and orderly subdivision and development of land within the City.
      3.   To prevent the uncontrolled division and development of real property, which may be done without considering the rights and best interests of adjoining property owners and the City as a whole.
      4.   To avoid subdivisions and developments that:
         a.   Do not comply with the City general plan or ordinances,
         b.   Cannot be adequately served by existing utilities or public services,
         c.   May prove to be dangerous or unsafe due to design, natural or man-made hazards existing prior to or created by the subdivision and development,
         d.   May cause an undue burden on existing traffic or transportation services, or
         e.   May require the future expenditure of public funds to correct problems caused by the subdivision and development.
      5.   To provide:
         a.   Design standards for public improvements, facilities, and utilities
         b.   To provide for reasonable access to public rights-of-way, parks, trails, or open spaces,
         c.   To provide for the dedication of land and streets deemed necessary for the proper development of the subdivision, and
         d.   To provide for easements or rights-of-way that are necessary to service the properties created by the subdivision.
   B.   This title is designed to inform the subdivision developer and the public of requirements for obtaining subdivision plat approval. Because each parcel of real property has unique site/situational characteristics (whether natural or man-made), there may be some aspects of subdivision development that cannot be easily articulated. For this reason, it is not possible to cover every possible contingency. Therefore, the City Engineer, Planning Commission, and Community Development Director or designee have the authority to impose reasonable conditions for the subdivision and development. (Ord. 2024-01, 6-13-2023)