11-13-10: CLEAR VISION:
   A.   Corner Lots: In all zones which require a front and corner side yard, no obstruction to view in excess of thirty six inches (36") in height shall be placed on any corner lot within a triangular area formed by the street curb lines and the line connecting them at points thirty feet (30') from the intersection of the curb. Fences may be permitted to seventy two inches (72") in height for non-sight obscuring construction, except as set forth in subsection D of this section. Where there is no curb, the measurement shall be taken from the edge of the pavement or concrete. Lawn trees are permitted in the clear vision triangle provided they are pruned at least seven feet (7') above the nearest established road grade so as to not obstruct a clear view by motor vehicle drivers. (Ord. 2018-11, 7-31-2018)
   B.   Other Lots:
      1.   Front Yards: Lawn trees and other landscape elements are permitted but must be planted at least fifteen feet (15') back from the street line as measured to the point of the trees nearest the street line (figure 1 of this section). Trees and other landscape elements planted closer than fifteen feet (15') from the street line shall be pruned at least seven feet (7') above the established grade of the road or not exceed thirty six inches (36") in height.
      2.   Retaining Walls: Where a retaining wall protects a cut below the natural grade and is located on the line separating lots, such retaining wall may be topped by a fence, hedge, or wall of the same height that would otherwise be permitted at the location if no retaining wall existed. Where a retaining wall contains a fill, the height of the retaining wall built to retain the fill shall be considered as part of the permissible height of a fence, solid wall, or hedge; providing, that in any event a protective fence or wall or hedge not more than thirty six inches (36") in height, when of solid construction or such density as to not permit a clear view of adjoining streets and sidewalks may be erected at the top of the retaining wall, or when the protective fence, wall or hedge is of such construction as to permit a clear unobstructed view of adjoining streets and of sidewalks not exceeding forty eight inches (48") in height may be erected on top of said retaining wall. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to fences required by State law to surround and enclose public utility installations, public schools, or City property. (Ord. 2009-40, 11-24-2009)
   C.   Driveways: Driveways in residential zones shall be governed by a clear vision triangle measured at a point where the edge of the driveway and curb meet (see figure 1 of this section). At this point, measurements shall be made ten feet (10') into the property along the driveway edge and ten feet (10') along the curb. Where there is no curb, the measurements shall be taken from the edge of the pavement or concrete. The extent of these measurements shall be connected, forming the clear vision triangle. Lawn trees are permitted in the clear vision triangle provided they are pruned at least seven feet (7') above the established road grade so as to not obstruct a clear view by motor vehicles. Other vegetation may be made on both sides of the driveway and may affect placement landscaping or fencing on adjacent property. (Ord. 2018-11, 7-31-2018)
   D.   Fences: Fences located within a required residential front setback area shall not exceed thirty six inches (36") in height if sight obscuring, or forty eight inches (48") if nonobscuring, and shall meet all clear vision standards where applicable. (Ord. 2010-13, 7-27-2010)
(Ord. 2009-40, 11-24-2009; amd. Ord. 2018-11, 7-31-2018)