The following codes are hereby adopted as the rules, regulations and standards for the construction, occupancy, alteration, repair, remodeling and maintenance of all structures and buildings, all of which have been printed as a code, in book form, and at least one copy of which has been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the city recorder:
   A.   The most current edition of the international building code (IBC), including appendix J, promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC), and amendments adopted under the Utah building standards act rules ("rules") together with standards incorporated into the IBC by reference, including, but not limited to, the most current edition of the international energy conservation code (IECC) promulgated by the ICC and the most current edition of the international residential code (IRC) promulgated by the ICC and adopted by the state of Utah;
   B.   The most current edition of the national electrical code (NEC), as published and promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association and adopted by the state of Utah;
   C.   The most current edition of the international mechanical code (IMC), as published and promulgated by the ICC, together with all applicable standards set forth in the most current international fuel gas code (IFGC) and adopted by the state of Utah;
   D.   The most current edition of the international plumbing code (IPC), as published and promulgated by the ICC and the amendments adopted under the rules in section R156-56-707 and adopted by the state of Utah;
   E.   The most current edition of the international property maintenance code (IPMC), as published and promulgated by the ICC and adopted by the state of Utah;
   F.   The most current edition of the international fire code (IFC), as published and promulgated by the ICC and adopted by the state of Utah. The language hereinafter is in addition to the language in the published codes:
      1.   Flammable Or Combustible Liquids: The limits referred to in section 3404 of the 2006 international fire code in which the storage of flammable or combustible liquids is restricted are hereby established as follows:
         a.   The storage, use or dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited within the following limits:
            (1)   All residential areas within the city limits.
            (2)   Amounts greater than two thousand one hundred (2,100) gallons of class I, II, IIIA, and IIIB liquids is prohibited in all commercial and agricultural zones within the city. Amounts less than two thousand one hundred (2,100) gallons shall be stored, used or dispensed in accordance with section 3404 of the 2006 international fire code, as amended.
      2.   Liquefied Petroleum Gases: The limits referred to in section 3809 of the 2006 international fire code, in which storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted, are hereby established as follows:
         a.   One hundred twenty five (125) gallons' water capacity in all residential zones within the city limits.
         b.   One thousand (1,000) gallons' water capacity in all commercial and agricultural zones within the city.
         c.   Two thousand (2,000) gallons' aggregated water capacity at any one installation in any industrial/manufacturing zone within the city limits.
      3.   Explosives And Blasting Agents: The limits referred to in section 3304 of the 2006 international fire code, in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is prohibited, are hereby established as follows:
         a.   No blasting agents or explosives may be stored, used, manufactured or dispensed, except as provided for by chapter 33 of the 2006 international fire code.
      4.   New Materials, Processes Or Occupancies: The building official, the fire chief and the chief of the bureau of fire prevention shall act as a committee to determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies for which permits are required in addition to those now enumerated in the international fire code. The chief of the bureau of fire prevention shall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office and distribute copies thereof to interested persons;
   G.   The most current international existing building code (IEBC), as published and promulgated by the ICC and adopted by the state of Utah;
   H.   The 1997 uniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings, as published and promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials; and
   I.   All other amendments to the above codes promulgated in the Utah uniform building standards act rules by the state building codes commission and the state fire prevention board. (Ord. 2008-05, 7-22-2008)