A.   Failure To Keep Lookout: No person shall drive a motor vehicle within the corporate limits of the City in such a manner as to endanger life or property by failing to keep a safe and proper lookout for other traffic, objects or persons.
   B.   Negligent Collision: It shall be unlawful to operate a vehicle with such lack of due care and in such a negligent manner as to cause the same to collide with any vehicle, person or object.
   C.   Careless Driving: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle without the care and caution of a reasonable, prudent person under the circumstances then and there existing or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property.
   D.   Exhibition Driving: It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in exhibition driving in any motor vehicle upon any public highway, street or alley within the corporate limits of the City. Exhibition driving shall consist of, but not be limited to, unnecessarily or unreasonably doing of one or more of the following in the operation of a motor vehicle: squealing or spinning the tires through application of excessive power or through excessive braking, throwing rocks, gravel, sand or dirt through excessive application of power or in sharp turns; fishtailing, rocking, weaving while applying excessive power; sliding, spinning or skidding a motor vehicle; alternating between extreme acceleration and extreme deceleration; or display of extreme acceleration. This offense may be committed by any person operating a motor vehicle singly or in concert with or in the company of another person operating a separate motor vehicle and it shall not be necessary to show that any person intended to engage or was engaged in any contest or display with another to constitute a violation of this subsection.
   E.   Interference With Vehicle: No person shall engage in any activity or do any act which interferes with the safe operation of any vehicle.
   F.   Control By Driver: No driver shall engage in any activity that interferes with the safe control of his vehicle while the same is in motion.
   G.   Use Of Coasters, Roller Skates: No person upon roller skates, rollerblades or riding in or by means of any coaster, sled, toy wagon, non-motorized scooter or similar device shall go upon any roadway or street or alley.
   H.   Cutting Through Corners: No driver of a motor vehicle, motorcycle or vehicle of any kind, shall drive through any private driveway or private property, such as a gas station or lot, or similar areas, whether vacant or not, with intent to avoid obedience to any traffic regulations set forth in this Code; and no person shall drive a motor vehicle, motorcycle or any other vehicle through any private driveway, lot or similar area where any business establishment, manufactory, retail store, drugstore, café, confectionery, drive-in food and drink establishment or drive-in market or any other kind of business or trade is maintained or carried on for the purpose and with the intent of avoiding obedience to any traffic regulation or for the purpose and with the intent of harassing and annoying the owner thereof or his patrons. Driving by any person of a motor vehicle upon or through any such private driveway, lot or similar area without a visible display of slowing or stopping shall constitute prima facie evidence of a violation of this subsection. (Ord. 2017-18, 11-14-2017; amd. Ord. 2022-13, 6-14-2022)