The preliminary plat shall be prepared on 18-inch by 24-inch sheet of paper or mylar, and the contents shall be clearly legible. The Town Manager may allow alternative digital submission at their discretion. The following information shall be included:
   (A)   Proposed name of the subdivision. The name of a subdivision shall not be misleading, such as "Lakeview" when there is no lake in view or so similar to the name of another subdivision as to cause confusion.
   (B)   Location by township, range, section, or by other legal description.
   (C)   Acreage of the subdivision to the nearest one-tenth of an acre.
   (D)   Written and graphic scale of plat, 1-inch to 100 feet or larger.
   (E)   Date.
   (F)   North arrow.
   (G)   Detailed area map clearly showing the surrounding area and the proposed subdivision's relationship to existing road networks, and existing natural and/or manmade features that may impact or be impacted by the proposed subdivision. Detail must be sufficient for the subject property to be located in the field using the map.
   (H)   Signature block containing designated spaces for all utility providers who are proposed as providers within the subdivision, as well as spaces for the name, signature, and address of the licensed surveyor who prepared the plat, and for the owner of the land being subdivided. The signature of the legal and equitable landowner must be notarized and shall be accompanied by the statement "The subdivision of (insert a correct description of the land being planned), appearing on this plat is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owner and proprietor of the land." Signature lines for the Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Mayor, and a block for attestation of filing by the County Clerk shall be included.
   (I)   An accurate and complete survey of the land to be subdivided giving the bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Distances shall be shown in feet and in hundredths of feet. Curved boundaries or lines on the plat shall include central angle and arc length, radius and chord bearing, tangents, and length. The location and description of all monuments set or found shall be included. Permanent monuments shall be placed at all corners and points of tangency of curve lines along the boundary of the subdivision, and center line monuments shall be placed at the intersection of every other block, at a spacing that shall not exceed an interval of 1,500 feet.
   (J)   An accurate description of each lot and block, numbered or lettered in progression, with their dimensions and the dimensions of all land dedicated for public use or for the use of the owners of lots fronting or adjacent to the lot, and minimum setbacks permitted by the Zoning Code.
   (K)   Location, width, names of all existing or prior platted streets, and the location, width, and use of all rights-of-way and all other public ways, and utility rights-of-way, parks, and other public open spaces.
   (L)   Existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site, including locations and size of water wells, reservoirs, water lines, sanitary and storm drains, irrigation canals, drains, gas lines, fire hydrants, utility poles, and streetlights. For proposed utility locations, the system loads, and locations of proposed connections shall be indicated, and all necessary off-site improvements shall be described in detail.
   (M)   Existing zoning of proposed subdivision and application for proposed zoning change if such change is necessary or desired by the subdivider.
   (N)   Existing and proposed contours at 2-foot vertical intervals.
   (O)   Layout of streets, widths of rights-of-way, and widths of easements.
   (P)   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside for use of the property owners in the subdivision.
   (Q)   The subdivider shall provide a proposed name for all streets, with an additional name to be used if some of the proposed names are rejected. The Board of Trustees shall approve all street names upon recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 719, passed 11-9-2022)