(A) All sales shall be made through the Township Clerk.
(B) Cemetery lots or burial spaces shall be sold to taxpayers, residents or nonresidents of the township for the purpose of burial of purchaser, his or her heirs at law, or next of kin. No sale shall be made to funeral directors or others than as heretofore set forth. The Clerk/Township Board, however, is hereby granted the authority to vary the aforesaid restriction on sales where the purchaser discloses sufficient personal reason for burial within the township through previous residence in the township or relationship to person interred therein.
(C) All sales shall be made on a form approved by the Township Board, which grants a right of burial only and does not convey ownership or any other title to the lot or burial space sold. This form shall be executed by the Township Clerk.
(D) Burial rights may only be transferred to those persons eligible to be original purchasers of cemetery lots within Bendle Cemetery and may be effected only by endorsement of an assignment of the burial permit upon the original burial permit form issued by the Township Clerk, approved by the Clerk, and entered upon the official records of the Clerk. Upon such assignment, approval and record, the Clerk shall issue a new burial permit to the assignee and shall cancel and terminate upon these records the original permit thus assigned.
(E) The Township Board, by resolution, may periodically change the fees to accommodate increased costs and needed funds for cemetery operation and maintenance.
(Ord. 377.1, passed 10-8-2003)