For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BURIAL RIGHTS. A document giving the named the rights for burial in Bendle Cemetery.
BLOCK/LOT. A group of burial sites/graves as designated on the Bendle Cemetery map.
CEMETERY. Bendle Cemetery, owned by the Charter Township of Clayton.
CEMETERY SEXTON/SUPERINTENDENT. A person or company designated by the Township Board to schedule interments and maintain cemetery grounds.
CHILDREN BURIED TOGETHER. Interment is equal to 1 adult-sized vault.
GRAVE. One adult burial site/space of approximately 5 feet wide by 9 feet or per the Bendle Cemetery map for the “old” and “new” sections.
RESIDENT(S). Any person or persons residing and/or paying property taxes in the township at the time of sale, such as taxpayers/qualified electors and their minor children.
SECTION(S). Divisions of Bendle Cemetery known as the “old,” “new” or “addition.”
TOWNSHIP. The Charter Township of Clayton.
TOWNSHIP BOARD. The Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Clayton.
TOWNSHIP CLERK. The duly elected Clerk of the township.
TRANSIT PERMIT. The document accompanying the deceased to the place of interment.
(Ord. 377.1, passed 10-8-2003)