(A)   No person, firm or corporation shall park or store or permit to be parked or stored upon any premises, within the Charter Township of Clayton, any vehicle, including any conveyance, boat, aircraft, or trailer of any kind or new or used parts therefrom, unless 1 or more of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   The parking or storage is located within a fully enclosed building;
      (2)   A special permit is first obtained therefor for a period of not to exceed 120 days from the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Charter Township of Clayton or such other officer or official as the Township Board may designate, to be granted only in special hardship cases beyond the control of the applicant, where special or peculiar circumstances exist, where no adjoining property owner is adversely affected thereby and where the spirit and purposed of these regulations are still observed;
      (3)   The vehicle or conveyance is licensed or registered by the State of Michigan, is an operable vehicle or conveyance, has all of its main component parts attached, as hereinafter defined, and is, in fact, regularly operated for its designed purpose;
      (4)   The vehicles, boats, trailers, aircraft or conveyances are located in a duly licensed and properly zoned junkyard, salvage yard, new or used dealer’s lot or storage yard where the uses or operations are legally authorized under the township zoning ordinance;
      (5)   The vehicle or vehicles are awaiting repairs or delivery to owners at an authorized service station, garage, paint shop or body shop, provided they are locked, licensed by the State of Michigan; they do not remain on the property in that state for more than 7 consecutive calendar days or for longer than 14 days in any 1 year; and are not otherwise a public nuisance; or
      (6)   The vehicle, boat, trailer, aircraft or conveyance, although temporarily inoperable because of minor mechanical failure, has substantially all of its main component parts attached as hereinafter defined; is, where subject to license or registration, licensed or registered by the State of Michigan; is not in any manner a dismantled vehicle; and the premises do not contain any such vehicle, boat, aircraft, trailer or conveyance on the property in that state for more than 7 consecutive calendar days or for longer than 14 days in any 1 year.  MAIN COMPONENT PARTS  shall, for the purpose of this chapter, mean those parts required by state law or by necessity for its operation upon a public highway, waterway or airway.
   (B)   No repairing, re-designing, modifying of dismantling work or operations shall be allowed upon any vehicle, boat, trailer, aircraft or conveyance or parts thereof upon any public right-of-way or public  property (except for emergency minor repairs not exceeding 1 hour in duration) or upon any property not zoned for that purpose, except such occasional minor work by the owner thereof as may infrequently be required to maintain the same in normal operational conditions and as shall be accomplished within full enclosed buildings; will not constitute a nuisance or annoyance to property owners or occupants; and does not violate any provisions of the township zoning ordinance.
   (C)   No person, firm or corporation shall park or store or permit to be parked or stored, in any road and/or public right-of-way area, located within the Charter Township of Clayton, any vehicle, including any conveyance, boat, aircraft, or trailer of any kind or new or used parts therefrom, on an emergency  basis, due to catastrophe, vehicle and/or equipment disablement and/or other similar circumstance, for a period in excess of 24 hours.
(Ord. 391, passed 4-13-2000)