All operators and importers in Clay County, a driver of any vehicle hauling aggregate material on any public right of way in Clay County, as well as any person involved in the business of transporting aggregate material on any public right of way within the geographic area of Clay County, shall be required to provide a document evidencing the receipt of aggregate material issued by the person consigning the aggregate material for shipment or a person engaged in the business of transporting or forwarding aggregate material, which states the amount of aggregate material being transported measured in the same unit of measurement that gravel tax is to be paid on that load, the point of origin, the point of destination, the point of extraction, the name of the operator or importer, the date and time the load left the point of origin, a unique truck identifier, the name of the driver, and include a sequential number assigned by the importer/operator, which sequential number is unique to that load, and falls in a logical sequence with sequential numbers assigned by the operator/importer to other loads.
When legally stopped by law enforcement, a vehicle hauling aggregate material will be required to produce the documentation required by this section. In the event that the driver is unable to produce the required documentation, the driver and/or the importer/operator shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The driver and/or operator/importer shall be ticketed and charged with violation of this section.
The operator/importer shall be required to maintain copies of the documentation required under this section for a period of six (6) years. The Clay County auditor, or its designee, may require production of the documents required under this section within six (6) years of the load being hauled, even if a prior request was not made by law enforcement. Failure to comply with such a request shall be a violation of this section, and shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. (Ord. 2001-1, 3-27-2001)