No person shall cause or permit on property owned or controlled by him, a nuisance affecting public health. The following are nuisances affecting the public health and may be abated as provided in this chapter:
   A.   Privies: An open vault or privy constructed and maintained within the city, except those constructed or maintained in connection with construction projects in accordance with the Oregon state board of health regulations.
   B.   Debris: Accumulations of debris, rubbish, manure and other refuse that are not removed within a reasonable time and that affect the health of the city.
   C.   Stagnant Water: Stagnant water which affords a breeding place for mosquitoes and other insect pests.
   D.   Water Pollution: Pollution of a body of water, well, spring, stream or drainage ditch by sewage, industrial wastes or other substances placed in or near the water in a manner that will cause harmful material to pollute the water.
   E.   Food: Decayed or unwholesome food which is offered for human consumption.
   F.   Odor: Premises which are in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive odor, or which are in an unsanitary condition.
   G.   Surface Drainage: Drainage of liquid wastes from private premises.
   H.   Cesspools: Cesspools or septic tanks which are in an unsanitary condition or which cause an offensive odor.
   I.   Slaughterhouses: A slaughterhouse, tannery or pigsty. (1996 Code § 8.04.040)
   J.   Illegal Drug Manufacturing Site: Any property that has been determined to be not fit for use pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 453.855 to 453.912 or similar successor statute, which is allowed to be used as if it were fit for use. (2004 Code)