For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
NUISANCE: Every act or thing done, or anything existing within the limits of the city which is or may be declared by any law of the state or by any ordinance of the city to be a nuisance, hereby is declared to be a nuisance, and shall be considered and treated as such in all actions, suits and proceedings whatsoever, unless such law or ordinance is declared void by a court of competent jurisdiction.
PERSON IN CHARGE OF PROPERTY: An agent, occupant, lessee, contract purchaser, owner, or other person having possession, control or supervision of property.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: The "person responsible" for abating a nuisance shall include:
   A.   The owner.
   B.   The "person in charge of property", as defined in this section.
   C.   The person who caused to come into or continue in existence a nuisance, as defined in this section.
PUBLIC PLACE: A building, way, place or accommodation, whether publicly or privately owned, open and available to the general public. (1996 Code §§ 1.04.340, 1.04.350, 1.04.380; amd. 2004 Code)