A.   Plan Copies, Application And Fee: Ten (10) copies of a tentative plan, drawn to scale, shall be submitted to the city manager with a completed application form and the required fee. The tentative plan shall follow the format outlined in section 9-15-4 of this chapter.
   B.   Review By Manager: The city manager shall review the submittal to determine whether the application is complete, as described in subsection 9-3-7D1 of this title. (1996 Code § 17.80.025)
   C.   Water Right Statement: The city manager shall notify the applicant of the requirement to file a statement of water right and, if a water right is appurtenant, a copy of the acknowledgment from the state of Oregon must be attached before the county recording officer may accept the plat for recording pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 92.120. (1996 Code § 17.80.025; amd. 2004 Code)
   D.   Wetland Areas: If the property is wholly or partially within areas identified as wetlands on the statewide wetlands inventory, the city manager shall notify the applicant, the owner of record and the division of state lands, as described in section 9-13-6 of this title.
   E.   Public Hearing: A public hearing before the planning commission shall be scheduled and held in accordance with section 9-3-7 of this title.
   F.   Appeal: The decision of the planning commission may be appealed to the city council in accordance with section 9-3-9 of this title. (1996 Code § 17.80.025)
   G.   Tentative Plan Approval: Approval of the tentative plan shall not constitute final acceptance of the plat of the proposed partition or subdivision for recording. However, the approval of a tentative plan shall be binding on the city and the applicant for the purpose of preparing a final partition or subdivision plat. The final plat must comply with all conditions set forth by the city in the tentative partition plan approval, and the city may require only such changes in the plat as are necessary for compliance with the terms of the tentative plan approval and compliance with all laws and regulations. (1996 Code § 17.80.025; amd. Ord. 643, 3-1-2006)
   H.   Time Limitation: The tentative plan shall be valid for one year from the date of its approval. The planning commission, upon receipt of the applicant's written request, may grant an extension of the tentative plan approval for a period of one year. In granting an extension, the planning commission shall make a written finding that the facts upon which the approval was based have not changed to an extent sufficient to warrant refiling of the tentative plan.
   I.   Final Action: The city shall take final action on an application for approval of a tentative plan within one hundred twenty (120) days, as required in Oregon Revised Statutes 227.178, unless the applicant requests an extension or the parties have agreed to mediation as described in Oregon Revised Statutes 197.319(2)(b). (1996 Code § 17.80.025)