A.   Application, Tentative Plan Required: Before a plat may be approved and recorded, the person proposing the partition or subdivision shall submit an application accompanied by a tentative plan showing the general design of the proposed partition or subdivision.
   B.   Tentative Plan Information: The tentative plan shall include the following information:
      1.   The date, north arrow, scale and location, by township, range and section, of the parcel to be partitioned.
      2.   Names and addresses of the owner(s), the applicant(s), the engineer and/or surveyor employed in the preparation of the plan.
      3.   Amount of acreage in the original parcel, the acreage of the resulting parcels and the dimensions of each.
      4.   Current use(s) of the property, including an outline showing size and location of existing structures and noting whether they are to remain. (1996 Code § 17.80.020)
      5.   Approximate location of physical features such as wooded areas, rock outcrops, wetlands, floodplains and drainageways. If the property is wholly or partially within the WRC overlay zone, the significant wetland-upland boundary, as determined by a wetland delineation prepared by a qualified individual, and the significant riparian corridor boundary shall be included. (Ord. 601, 5-3-2000)
      6.   Locations, names and widths of all streets and easements adjacent to and within the parcel to be partitioned and a layout showing the relationship of each new parcel to the existing or proposed streets and easements.
      7.   Locations of all wells, water lines and subsurface sewage disposal systems on the parcel, if any.
      8.   Proposed locations of sewer and water systems, and site drainage easements. (1996 Code § 17.80.020)
      9.   Location, name, width, approximate radius of curves and grade of all proposed streets, the relationship of such streets to any projected or existing streets adjoining the proposed partition, and the location and width of all rights of way, easements, and sidewalks within the proposed partition or subdivision. All streets and sidewalks shall comply with the standards adopted by ordinance or resolution of the council 1 . (Ord. 572, 8-7-1996)
      10.   When slopes on the site exceed ten percent (10%), contour lines shall be shown at intervals of two feet (2').
      11.   The city manager may also require approximate centerline profiles with extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed major partition showing the finished grade of streets and the nature and extent of street construction.
   C.   Lot Size:
      1.   All residential parcels or lots created under this title shall contain the minimum lot size required by the zone, unless a larger lot size is necessary to provide adequate area for subsurface sewage disposal.
      2.   If larger lots are necessary, the potential for future redivision of these lots shall be assured by a redivision plan as described in section 9-15-1 of this chapter. (1996 Code § 17.80.020)



1. See section 9-15-11 of this chapter.