A.   Compliance With State And Local Laws: No land may be partitioned or subdivided except in accordance with this title and state law.
   B.   Street Or Road Creation: No person shall create a street or road for the purpose of partitioning land without the approval of the city.
   C.   Dedicating Land To Public Use: No instrument dedicating land to the public use shall be accepted for recording unless it has been approved by the city. (1996 Code § 17.80.015)
   D.   WRC Overlay Zone, Standards: Subdivisions, replats, partitions, and property line adjustments in the WRC overlay zone shall be subject to the following standards:
      1.   Each lot created shall have at least one thousand (1,000) square feet of upland available for building coverage, required off street parking, and required access.
      2.   The building site shall not include significant wetlands and buffers, or significant riparian corridors.
      3.   Protected resources may be counted toward meeting the base zone's minimum lot size for each lot, and may be included in front, side, and rear yard setbacks, as appropriate. (Ord. 601, 5-3-2000)
      4.   Transportation facilities and structures, including, but not limited to, streets and driveways; and utility lines, including, but not limited to, water lines, sewer lines and storm water lines, shall be located in accordance with city standards and approval. (Ord. 601, 5-3-2000; amd. 2004 Code)
      5.   For lots or parcels created subject to these provisions, the existence of a protected resource or buffer area shall not form the basis for a future setback reduction or variance request. (Ord. 601, 5-3-2000)