A.   Definition: A "lot line adjustment" is a change in the boundary between two (2) or more parcels which does not create a new parcel or lot. It is not considered a land division for the purposes of this chapter. However, because it does change existing parcel boundaries and land use patterns, it requires review and approval by the city manager.
   B.   Allowing Adjustment: Following public notice, the adjustment of a lot line by mutual consent of the property owners may be permitted by the city manager in any zone, provided the adjustment in no way increases the degree of nonconformity of any parcel or violates any other provision of this chapter. (Ord. 574, 8-7-1996; amd. Ord. 599, 11-3-1999; 2004 Code)
   C.   Public Response; City Action:
      1.   If there is no negative public response that addresses the criteria for the proposed lot line adjustment, it may be approved administratively.
      2.   If there is objection based on the criteria for the proposed lot line adjustment, the application must be forwarded to the planning commission for its decision after a public hearing on the application. (Ord. 599, 11-3-1999; amd. 2004 Code)