A.   Permit Allowed: A home occupation permit is allowed with a business license in any residential zone if it meets the approval standards and requirements of this section.
   B.   Application Requirements; Fee; Protests; Denial: Application and the required fee as set by resolution of the council shall be made to the city. All properties within two hundred fifty feet (250') of the proposed home occupation shall be notified in writing and shall have ten (10) days from receipt of notification to comment. The city manager is authorized to issue a permit if no protests are received that address any of the conditions listed under subsection D of this section. If one or more protests are received that address any of the conditions listed under subsection D of this section, then the application shall be denied. The application fee will not be refunded if the application is denied.
   C.   Appeal To Planning Commission; Fee; Hearing: Any such denial may be appealed to the planning commission along with any required fee as set by council resolution. The planning commission shall review the home occupation permit application after a public hearing and may approve or deny the application with conditions. The application fee will not be refunded if the application is denied.
   D.   Conditions: The following conditions shall apply to each home occupation unless otherwise approved by the planning commission:
      1.   The home occupation activity takes place solely within a residential structure.
      2.   The residential character, use and appearance of the structure is maintained.
      3.   Employees in the residence shall only be the immediate members of the household.
      4.   The home occupation will not be unreasonably detrimental to an adjacent property owner or the neighborhood and will not impose any significant cost upon any adjacent property owner.
      5.   Up to two (2) clients or customers per day are allowed at the residence.
      6.   Storage of any business related materials or supplies shall not be visible from outside the residence.
      7.   There shall be no display, advertising, banners, etc., indicating the residence is used for any purpose other than a dwelling, other than signage that may be allowed under chapter 12 of this title.
   E.   Multiple Permits: More than one home occupation permit may be approved on the same premises, provided all requirements of this section are met as if there were only one home occupation on the premises, and provided that a business license is obtained for each home occupation. (Ord. 652, 6-4-2008)