A.   Preliminary plat requirements shall be submitted to the planning commission at least fourteen (14) days prior to the planning commission meeting. (NOTE: Scheduling of the case shall be dependent upon adequacy of data provided to the Town.)
   B.   Contents: The preliminary plat shall contain the following information:
      1.   The preliminary plat shall be drawn to scale not smaller than one hundred feet (100') to the inch, and shall show a north arrow;
      2.   The proposed name of the subdivision;
      3.   The location of the subdivision including the address and the section, township and range;
      4.   The names and addresses of the owner, subdivider if other than the owner, and the engineer or designer of the subdivision;
      5.   Date of preparation, scale (at least 100 feet to the inch), and north point;
   C.   Existing Conditions: The plat shall show the following:
      1.   The location of the nearest benchmark and legal monument;
      2.   The boundary of the proposed subdivision and the acreage included;
      3.   All property under the control of the subdivider, even though only a portion is being subdivided. Where the plat submitted covers only a part of the subdivider's tract, a sketch of the proposed street system on the unplatted parts of the subdivider's land shall be considered in the light of existing major street plans or other planning commission studies;
      4.   The location, width and names of all existing streets within two hundred feet (200') of the subdivision and of all prior platted streets or other public ways, utility rights of way, parks, and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, and houses or permanent easements;
      5.   Section and corporation lines, within and adjacent to the tract;
      6.   Location of all wells, proposed, active and abandoned, and of all reservoirs within the tract and to a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') beyond the tract boundaries;
      7.   Existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') beyond the tract boundaries, indicating pipe sizes, grades, manholes and exact location;
      8.   Existing ditches, canals, natural drainage channels and open waterways and proposed realignments; including all easements located within the subdivision plat and their dimensions.
      9.   Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided land, showing ownership where possible;
      10.   Contour at vertical intervals of not more than two feet (2') excepting in mountainous or otherwise steep areas where a more practical interval would be warranted;
      11.   Where applicable, location of the 100-year floodplain as determined by the federal emergency management agency (FEMA).
   D.   Proposed Plan: The preliminary plat shall show:
      1.   The layout of streets (designated by actual or proposed names and numbers), showing location, widths and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys and easements which shall be in conformance to the adopted street master plan;
      2.   The layout, numbers and typical dimensions of lots;
      3.   Location of any necessary temporary turnaround easements.
      4.   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside for use of property owners in the subdivision;
      5.   Building setback line, including showing dimensions;
      6.   Dedications for water, sewers, drainage, utility lines and other purposes;
      7.   Typical street cross sections and street grades where required by the planning commission;
      8.   A plan or method by which the subdivider proposes to handle stormwater drainage for the subdivision. Any disposal of stormwater in an open waterway shall require approval of those responsible for the open waterway;
      9.   A plan for culinary water improvements and waste disposal improvements for all lots proposed within the subdivision;
      10.   The preliminary plat must be stamped by the subdividers licensed design engineer
   E.   Additional Information Required. In addition to the preliminary plat, the applicant shall provide the following information with the preliminary plat application:
      1.   Current Title Report for the subdivision area.
      2.   Stamped envelopes with the names and addresses of property owners within three hundred (300) feet on all sides of the subdivision.
      3.   An adequate traffic report prepared by a qualified traffic engineer when required by the town engineer.
      4.   Property Owner Agreements: Where necessary, copies of any agreements with adjacent property owners relevant to the proposed subdivision shall be presented to the Planning commission. (Ord. 22-06, 8-16-2022)