(A)   Creation. A community development agency is hereby created pursuant to Neb. RS 18-2101.01. The Agency shall be known as the Community Development Agency.
   (B)   Members. In accordance with Neb. RS 18-2101.01, this Agency shall consist of the Chairperson, three of the Board of Trustees members, and three at-large citizens who shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The initial appointed members of the Community Development Agency shall serve staggered terms. Thereafter, all appointed members shall be appointed to four-year terms. There shall be no limit on the number of terms for which a member can be reappointed.
   (C)   Officers. The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall serve as the Chairperson of the Community Development Agency. The Community Development Agency shall elect one of the members as Vice Chairperson. The Village Clerk/Treasurer shall serve as ex officio secretary and treasurer of the Community Development Agency.
   (D)   Powers and authority. The Community Development Agency shall function in the manner prescribed herein or otherwise by ordinance and have all powers and authority granted by applicable law, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 18-2101 to 18-2157, as now existing, and as hereafter amended in the future.
(Ord. 744, passed 7-26-2023)