   (A)   The payroll deduction option, heretofore in place and offered to county employees, for purposes of each employee making a determination whether or not to consent to a payroll deduction in favor of a political party or affiliation is hereby abolished.
   (B)   The Auditor of the county is hereby authorized to take all steps that are necessary, immediately, to eliminate any deductions from the gross pay of all county employees made and intended for delivery to any political party or affiliation.
   (C)   It is the declared policy of the Board of Commissioners of the county that employment of any person or legal entity, by any office, organization or agent of the government of the county, shall not be based upon, related to or in consideration of the political membership, preferences, practices or affiliation of any such person or entity.
   (D)   It is the declared policy of the Board of Commissioners of the county that no employee or entity duly employed by any office of county government, as an employee, shall have such employment terminated or forfeited as a result of an individual choice not to make contributions to a political party.
   (E)   The Auditor of the county, subsequent to performing the duties set out in division (B) above, is not to engage himself or herself, or any employee of the Auditor’s office, in any future payroll deduction practices, from any employee’s gross remuneration, for purposes of holding and delivering such monies to any political party or political affiliation.
(Ord. 14-1987, passed 9-1-1987)
   (A)   Each county employee is required to wear a shirt and long pants/trousers while working and during working hours. Shorts and “tank top” shirts are expressly prohibited.
   (B)   Each employee is required to wear work boots or work shoes while working and during working hours. Tennis shoes, canvas shoes or running shoes are expressly prohibited.
   (C)   Each employee is to own a pair of work gloves, to be paid for by the employee.
      (1)   Such gloves are to be available to each employee during all working hours.
      (2)   Such gloves are to be worn by each employee at the instruction of the Superintendent or his or her designated agent who is in charge of supervising any particular work further, each employee is required to possess and wear heat-protective gloves, covering his or her hands, during any time that such employee is working with or near hot asphalt, or any hot asphalt mixes, particularly during paving and re-surfacing operations.
   (D)   Each employee that is designated to direct, control or maintain traffic during the time that county highway crews are working on any particular roadway is required to wear: the shirt, shoes and long pants previously described above; a safety helmet; and a safety vest, making such employee clearly identifiable to oncoming drivers.
   (E)   The County Highway Superintendent is hereby authorized by the Board of Commissioners to require adherence to this dress code, and to enforce the rules hereunder. He or she is further authorized to report any violations of this dress code, after the effective date, to the Board of County Commissioners. Violation of this dress code is grounds for warning, reprimand, suspension or dismissal.
   (F)   The Superintendent of the County Highway Department is to post a copy of this section at the County Highway Department garage, and he or she is further directed to make copies of same available, for pick-up at the garage, to each employee of the County Highway Department.
(Ord. 1-1988, passed 1-19-1988)
   (A)   Policy.
      (1)   The county government has a vital interest in maintaining a safe, healthy and productive work environment for its employees and in protecting government property, equipment and operations. The county is also committed to protecting the safety and well-being of employees and citizens.
      (2)   Drug and alcohol abuse have no place in the county government. It is the intention of the county government to have zero tolerance of these abuses and will conduct programs of prevention and education to ensure that the county government maintains a drug- and alcohol-free environment.
      (3)   The county is committed to the community and region as a leader in providing quality and excellence in services to the public. The county’s concern for the well-being of its employees and community has resulted in a drug and alcohol abuse policy that has been carefully designed to fit its particular circumstances.
   (B)   Scope. This policy applies to all employees who receive compensation through the county payroll system.
   (C)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ALCOHOL OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. Any beverage that may be legally sold and consumed that has an alcoholic content in excess of 0.5% by volume.
      COUNTY GOVERNMENT. For purposes of the drug and alcohol abuse policy only, as those persons, elected officials, appointed officials and offices who provide legally required programs and services and/or such other programs and/or services as are offered through the Board of Commissioners of the county or through any county office, that serves the public, in the county.
      DRUG. Any substance other than alcohol capable of altering the mood, perception, pain level or judgment of the individual consuming it.
      ILLEGAL DRUG. Any drug: which is not legally obtainable; or which is legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained. All substances listed in the federal controlled substances act or so-called “designer drugs” which have not been included in the federal controlled substances act or the misuse of other non-drug substances such as glue are covered by this definition. The term also includes prescribed drugs, legally obtained, but not being used for prescribed purposes.
      LEGAL OR PRESCRIPTION DRUG. Any prescribed drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been legally obtained and are being used for the purpose for which they were prescribed or manufactured.
      UNDER THE INFLUENCE. For the purposes of this policy means that the employee is affected by a drug or alcoholic substance or the combination of a drug and alcohol in any detestable manner. The symptoms of influence are not confined to those consistent with misbehavior, nor to obvious impairment of physical or mental ability, such as slurred speech or difficulty in maintaining balance. A determination of influence can be made by a variety of means including a professional opinion, assessment by designated trained personnel or a scientifically valid test.
   (D)   Application.
      (1)   The county government will not employ individuals who use any illegal drugs in any amount and regardless of frequency.
      (2)   Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while performing county business or while on county premises is strictly prohibited.
      (3)   The use (other than prescribed or otherwise legally obtained drugs as specified below), sale, manufacture, trafficking, distribution, purchase, transfer, theft or possession of drugs and/or alcohol on county premises is strictly prohibited.
      (4)   An employee’s use of a legal drug while working can impose a significant risk to the safety of that employee or others.
      (5)   The use of a legally obtained drug is allowed, except to the extent such use may affect the safety of the employee, coworkers and others.
      (6)   It is recommended that employees make known to their immediate supervisors the use of such medication, including use either of a short- or long-term duration. This information will be recorded on the employee’s confidential personnel file for such employee.
   (E)   Employee assistance program. The county government will assist employees who request help with drug and alcohol dependency problems. An employee’s independent decision to seek assistance will not be used as a basis for disciplinary action, nor will it be a defense to or a mitigating factor in the imposition of appropriate disciplinary action, including termination for violation of any county government policy.
   (F)   Inspections and testing.
      (1)   Any county officeholder may conduct reasonable inspections on county premises, under his or her control, for illegal drugs or alcohol.
      (2)   Employee’s are expected to cooperate in such inspections. Inspections will be conducted in the presence of the employee, and will only be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is in violation of this policy. An employee’s refusal to consent may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
   (G)   Confidentiality of information obtained.
      (1)   Information obtained on individuals pursuant to this policy will be disclosed only to those persons having a legitimate need for, including medical providers, if necessary.
      (2)   Medical records pertaining to drug or alcohol testing are confidential and access to records shall be in accordance with existing policies.
   (H)   Disciplinary action.
      (1)   Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
      (2)   Off-the-job use, sale trafficking, distribution, purchase, transfer, theft or possession of illegal drugs which could adversely affect an employee’s job performance or jeopardize the safety of other employees or the county’s public image or reputation is also proper cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
(Ord. 3-1991, passed - -1991)
   (A)   The Group Health Insurance Program, as provided to full time county employees, is hereby made available to qualified retired full time County Sheriff’s employees. In order to qualify for this retirement benefit, the applicant must:
      (1)   Have retired from the County Sheriff’s office on, or after, the date of January 1, 1998;
      (2)   Be at least 55 years of age and less than 65 years of age on the effective date of retirement, and must not have reached the age of 65 before July 1, 2003;
      (3)   Have completed at least 20 years of service as a full-time County Sheriff’s office employee;
      (4)   Meet all eligibility requirements of the group health insurance carrier, or carriers, from which the county purchases health insurance coverage; and
      (5)   Make timely application for coverage.
   (B)   If a determination is made that an applicant has made a false statement regarding eligibility, he or she shall be required to pay a penalty to the county in the amount of 125% of the amount that the county has paid to the health insurance carrier for the applicant’s coverage. The applicant shall also be responsible for reimbursing the health insurance carrier for any health benefits paid by said carrier for the applicant.
   (C)    Group health insurance benefits shall be available to the retiree’s eligible spouse.
   (D)   If, for any reason, the retiree becomes ineligible to continue the group health insurance coverage pursuant to this section, he or she may reserve the option to receive coverage at a later date when he or she becomes eligible. An application to reserve the option must be made at the office of the County Sheriff’s personnel office no less than 30 days before the applicant becomes ineligible. Re-entry into the County Group Health Insurance Program will be subject to eligibility requirements of the health insurance carrier, including, but not limited to, the “preexisting conditions” exclusions of the carrier.
   (E)   The only group health insurance plan, or plans, available to retirees pursuant to this section will be the plan, or plans, available to full-time county employees. Available plans are subject to change from year to year.
   (F)   All retired Sheriff’s employees eligible for group health insurance benefits pursuant to this subchapter shall also be eligible for payment for Medicare supplemental insurance from the fund created by this subchapter, when said retiree becomes eligible for Medicare, if said retiree has not reached the age of 65 before July 1, 2003.
   (G)   The only insurance carriers that will be eligible to provide Medicare supplemental insurance coverage, pursuant to this section, will be those carriers that are qualified Medicare supplement providers. The insurance carrier to be selected shall be determined by the County Sheriff and or the County Commissioners.
   (H)   The County Auditor shall establish a fund to be known as the Sheriff’s Retiree Group Insurance Fund.
      (1)   The Auditor shall withhold from each salary, payment of each active full-time County Sheriff’s employee, the amount of $5 per pay, and shall place said withholding in the County Sheriff’s Retiree Group Insurance Fund.
      (2)   From said fund the Auditor shall pay the “retired employee’s share” for group health insurance benefits as set out above, and the Auditor shall also pay from said fund the premiums for eligible retiree’s Medicare supplemental insurance.
      (3)   The first withholding pursuant to this section shall be from the pay period January 1, 1998.
      (4)   The first employee’s shore or premium payment from the fund shall be no sooner than July 1, 1998.
   (I)   Retirees must notify the Sheriff’s personnel section in writing of their eligibility for Medicare supplemental insurance coverage, pursuant to this section. After said notification, the Sheriff’s personnel section shall notify the Auditor of the amount of the premium to be paid from the fund, the dates of said payments and the insurance carrier to which said payment shall be made.
   (J)   All previous ordinances providing group health insurance coverage to retired Sheriff’s employees are superseded by this section, and hereby repealed.
   (K)   If an employee retires and does not elect to participate in the county-sponsored benefit, no refund is available for contributions over the years. This section shall be in full force and effective from and after the date that it is adopted by a majority of the Board of Commissioners of the county and signed by its President.
   (L)   All deposits are non-refundable in case of termination of employment, whether by choice of employee or employer.
(Ord. 13-1997, passed 11-18-1997)
   (A)   Any insurance payments other than payroll deductions must be in the office of the County Auditor not later than the first day each month to continue coverage.
   (B)   Failure to have payment in the office of the County Auditor by the above date will result in immediate termination of coverage.
(Ord. 4-2001, passed 4-12-2001)