(A)   The Board of Commissioners shall appoint an Examining Board, consisting of five members. Each member shall be an electrician by trade licensed by a governmental entity in the county or surrounding counties in the state. For calender year 1988, each member so appointed by the Board of Commissioners shall serve for a term ending December 31, 1988. In each succeeding year thereafter, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint two members of said Examining Board for a one-year term, two members for a two-year term and one member for a three-year term on the Examining Board. The members of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners of the county at any time.
   (B)   The Examining Board is hereby authorized to enact rules of procedure for its internal operation. The Examining Board is further authorized to determine the minimum requirements that must be met in order for an electrician to be licensed in the county, and to administer the “block” electrician’s test at least two times per year, on dates and at times determined by a majority vote of the Examining Board. The Executive Director shall be an “ex officio” member of the Examining Board, and shall be authorized to implement decisions of the Board, and shall be further authorized to notify individuals and/or applicants of any actions taken or requirements made by the Examining Board.
   (C)   The Examining Board shall select a Chairperson from its members who shall serve in such capacity for a period not to exceed one year. Selection of a Chairperson shall be by majority vote. It shall be the Chairperson’s duty to chair and conduct all meetings of the Examining Board and to approve all minutes of meetings of the Board as transcribed by the Director. The Examining Board shall select a Director from among its members, by majority vote, and the duties of the Director are to record and transcribe the minutes of each meeting of the Examining Board. The Executive Director, as an “ex officio” member shall not be eligible for either of these offices.
   (D)   The Examining Board shall honor all electrician’s licenses issued by the City of Jeffersonville, the City of New Albany, the Town of Clarksville or any other governmental entity, town or city that uses the block and associates test (“block” test) for issuance of electrician’s licenses to applicants. The Examining Board shall meet at least quarterly. The Executive Director may, if deemed necessary and urgent, call a special meeting of the Examining Board. Notice shall be given to each member of such special meeting not later than 48 hours prior to said meeting by regular mail. No meeting shall be held with less than three members present, whether the meeting be a regular or special meeting of the Examining Board. All decisions of the Board shall be by simple majority vote and three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In addition to the authority of the Executive Director to call a special meeting of the Examining Board, three members of the Board shall be authorized, if they act in writing and deliver such writing to the Executive Director, to call a special meeting of the Examining Board. Delivery of such writing by the aforesaid three members of the Board must take place at least 48 hours prior to the proposed special meeting. Upon receipt of such written documents signed by three members of the Board, the Executive Director shall notify all members of the Board of the proposed special meeting.
   (E)   The Examining Board shall have the exclusive responsibility to examine applicants for electricians licenses in the county. The Examining Board shall be authorized to use the block and associates test as heretofore described. The Examining Board shall collect the application fee described in the ordinance, as amended, and said application fee shall be pro-rated for calender year 1988. Upon enactment of this second amendment, the Executive Director shall send a notice to all electricians and persons acting and operating as electricians in the county, notifying them of this amendment to the ordinance, and further notifying said persons of their obligation to apply for an electricians license, pursuant to this chapter, within 20 days of the date of such notice. All “block” tests administered pursuant to this chapter shall be administered locally and under the direction of the Examining Board and the Executive Director. The Examining Board shall have the exclusive right and obligation to determine a passing and satisfactory score on the “block” test which shall entitle applicants to obtain an electrician’s license issued by the county. In cases of an emergency, any applicant may, at his or her own expense, take the same “block” test at Gainesville, Florida under the testing firm’s auspices, or in any city where it is offered, and the Examining Board shall accept the results of that examination for the purposes of issuance or non-issuance of an electrician’s license.
   (F)   The penalty provision contained in § 111.99 of the first amendment to Ord. 18-1987, passed on all three readings by the Board of Commissioners on December 1, 1987 shall be applicable to the provisions of this second amendment.
   (G)   Upon appointment by the Board of Commissioners, the Examining Board shall meet, within 20 days of said appointment, for purposes of electing the aforesaid officers of the Examining Board and organizing their responsibilities and functions for 1988.
(Ord. passed 5-17-1988)