(A)   After the installation of any public sewer, water or gas main in any county road has been completed and the surface of said road has been resurfaced, no person shall cut into any county highway for the purpose of connecting to said sewer, gas or water main within a permit to cut into any of said highways being first obtained from the County Commissioners.
   (B)   Before a permit may be issued, the applicant shall post a bond in a penal sum of $1,000 payable to the county, conditioned upon the promise that said road will be replaced in as good a condition as it was in before being cut into and well be maintained and kept in repair for a period of one year. The application shall be presented ten days before the regular meeting date of the Board of Commissioners.
   (C)   The applicant shall further produce proof that the contractor doing the job has liability insurance in an amount of not less than $50,000 to protect the public from any claims against the contractor and the applicant must produce proof of the issuance of the necessary permit from the district, company or utility furnishing the service the applicant desires.
   (D)   After completion of work, the applicant shall notify the county that said cut has been made and the highway repaired to standards adopted by the county for the repair of highways. Eleven months thereafter, the applicant shall notify the county to make a final inspection. If no inspection is made by the county within 30 days, the same shall be considered as approved. If the inspection is made and approved, then and in that event, the bond shall be released. If the applicant fails to notify the county to make an inspection, or if the repairs fail to pass the inspection, then and in that event, the bond shall continue in full force and effect until the repairs pass inspection and the applicant is released from liability.
   (E)   There shall be charged for said permit the sum of $10, which shall also include the final inspection or inspections. This sum is to be in addition to any sum charged by the district, company or utility.
(Ord. 11-5-62, passed - -1962)  Penalty, see § 95.99