Whenever any property is affected by these landscaping requirements, the property owner or developer should prepare two copies of a landscape plan for submittal to, and approval by, the Planning Office. The Building Inspector shall follow the requirements of these guidelines in approving or disapproving any landscape plan required by these guidelines. Landscape plans also may be submitted as part of any development plan required by the Planning Commission.
(A) Plan content. The contents of the plan should include the following:
(1) Site plan, drawn to an easily readable scale, showing and labeling by name and dimensions, all existing and proposed property lines, easements, buildings, and other structures, vehicular use areas (including parking stalls, driveways, service areas, square footage, and the like), water outlets, and landscape material (including height at planting time, average mature height, and on-center planting dimension for all plants);
(2) Typical elevation and cross-sections as may be required;
(3) Title box with the pertinent names and addresses, (property owner, person drawing plan, and person installing landscape material), scale, date, north arrow, and zoning district; and
(4) A performance bond whenever required to insure proper installation of landscape materials, with complete cost of all work certified by a landscape contractor, with the bond amount to include the accurate cost plus no more than 25% and the bond should be released upon satisfactory completion of the work as determined by the public agency that holds the bond.
(B) Building permit. Where landscaping is required, no building permit should be issued until required landscaping plans have been submitted and approved; and no occupancy permit should be issued until the landscaping is completed, as certified by on-site inspection by the representative of the Planning Office, unless a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit from a banking institution has been posted.
(Prior Code, § 13.5) (Ord. 94-6, passed 8-25-1994)