(A)   The purpose of the Planned Development District is to permit the combination of a variety of uses in a single planned project and thus encourage innovating design and economy of space for urban development. The dimension area requirements involved shall not be varied unless a planned development project is approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted:
      (1)   Agriculture and accessory agricultural structures; and
      (2)   Farm dwellings.
   (C)   Special uses permitted:
      (1)   Planned development project for residential, professional office, commercial, or light industrial uses. The procedure for planned development projects shall be followed;
      (2)   Residential or commercial subdivisions; and
      (3)   Planned development project for designated public uses.
   (D)   Special regulations:
      (1)   The initial final plat of a planned development project or subdivision in a planned development district shall comprise at least five acres wholly within a planned development district and shall show the purposed design for development and use of that entire project area. Such a project thereafter may be expanded on adjacent land according to the planned development or subdivision procedure as applicable with no minimum acreage required provided the expansion is for the same principal use as the initial five-acre development and may be incorporated as an integral extension of the original plan. The effect of a planned development project on surrounding uses and the recommendations of all officially adopted plans shall be considered in determining the approval or disapproval of a project;
      (2)   (a)   The Planning Commission shall require the dedication or reservation of a right-of-way, as authorized by the subdivision regulations to provide access to interior land in planned development districts.
         (b)   All access to arterial streets serving planned development districts shall be approved according to the standards contained in the zoning order.
      (3)   When a tract of land under five acres in a planned development district is under one ownership and that owner has owned no adjoining land at any time since the effective date of the zoning order, such a tract may be platted as a planned development project or subdivision.
   (E)   Dimension and area regulations: the dimension and area requirements for each use involved shall be those associated with the zoning district wherein the use is first permitted.
   (F)   An approved development plan may be amended only by the Planning Commission after a public hearing has been held on said proposed amendment. The procedure to be followed in amending a development plan shall be the same procedure as the procedure required for the original approval of said plan.
   (G)   A copy of the approved development plan shall be filed in the office of the Enforcement Officer and shall be used thereafter as a basis for the issuance of all building permits and certificates of occupancy, and such building permits and certificates of occupancy shall be issued only in conformance with said development plan or any properly approved amendment to said plan.
(Prior Code, § 7.3)