(A)   Principal uses permitted: manufactured home parks, complexes, and subdivisions containing manufactured homes of Classes A, B, or C or any combination thereof.
   (B)   Accessory uses permitted: community open spaces, recreational areas, management or office headquarters, swimming pools, tennis courts, and other uses clearly incidental to a manufactured home park.
   (C)   Conditional uses permitted:
      (1)   Incidental retail uses such as barber and beauty shops, self-service laundries, news and novelty stands, snack bars, commissaries, and the like, operated solely for the convenience of the residents of the park;
      (2)   Nursery schools and day nurseries, provided a fenced-in play area is provided; and
      (3)   Home occupations in accordance with the standards set forth in § 155.007.
   (D)   Minimum area for park, subdivision, or complex: no manufactured home park, complex, or subdivision shall be developed on a site of less than ten acres in area. Development may be permitted in stages in accordance with an approved development plan, provided that at least ten spaces are to be developed for use initially.
   (E)   The number of manufactured homes permitted in a park, subdivision, or complex shall not exceed eight per gross acre.
   (F)   Dimension and area requirements for individual lots.
Maximum height
35 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum front yard
20 feet
Minimum lot area, with sanitary sewer
2,400 square feet
Minimum lot area, without sanitary sewer
1 acre
Minimum lot width
35 feet
Minimum rear yard
20 feet
Minimum side yard
10 feet
   (G)   Application for the creation or enlargement of a manufactured home park, complex, or subdivision shall be made to the Winchester-Clark County Planning Commission. The application shall include a development plan. The application and development plan shall be in the form and contain such information as the Planning Commission may require. When the application and development plan shall have been approved, the project shall be developed in accordance with the plan approved, and no substantial change may be made without the prior approval of the Planning Commission. A zoning permit shall not be issued until a permit has been issued by the state pursuant to the state’s Manufactured Home, Mobile Home, and Recreational Vehicle Community Act of 2002, as amended from time to time, or its successor. In addition to the zoning permit for the entire park, a building permit or certificate of occupancy is required for each individual lot.
   (H)   Any enlargement or extension of an existing manufactured home park, complex, or subdivision shall be in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter and a zoning permit shall be obtained for such enlargement or extension in the same manner as for a new park, complex, or subdivision.
   (I)   All manufactured home parks shall have access to an existing public street, and all lots within the park shall have access to a public street or to an interior street within the park. A manufactured home park may have either public or private streets, but in either instance, the streets shall be constructed in accordance with the Land Subdivision Regulations of Winchester and the county.
(Prior Code, § 7.1) (Ord. 29-83, passed 12-27-1983)