(A)   The intent of this district is to provide manufacturing, industrial, and related uses which may potentially involve nuisance factors such as noise, air pollution, odor, and vibration.
   (B)   Noise level requirements:
      (1)   Noise levels emitted from any activities or operations within this district shall not at any receiving real property exceed as follows.
Receiving land use
7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.
As measured with a sound level meter conforming to ANSI type II specifications or better.
      (2)   Air pollutant levels emitted from the activities operation shall not exceed the guidelines set up by the Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection.
   (C)   Principal uses permitted:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the I-1 zone provided that all provisions outlined herein shall apply;
      (2)   Manufacturing or industrial uses provided that any building or outside storage, loading, or working areas except accessory parking areas shall be located at least 300 feet from any residential land use and 100 feet from any other use except I-1;
      (3)   Manufacturing, including, but not limited to, foundries, brick kilns, curing and tanning, glue manufacturers, rendering plants, junk or wrecking material yards, gasoline storage areas, refuse dumps, sanitary landfill areas, or automobile racetracks. The manufacture and/or sale of rock, sand, or gravel when a principal use;
      (4)   Contractor’s equipment storage yard or plant; and
      (5)   Billboards and advertising signs.
   (D)   Accessory uses permitted:
      (1)   Parking lots and structures;
      (2)   Garage or other building not used as a dwelling and accessory to the principal use; and
      (3)   Outside storage of goods incidental to the principal use provided that the storage is enclosed on all sides by a solid wall or fence at least six feet in height or an alternative method of screening subject to the review by and approval of the Board of Adjustments.
   (E)   Dimension and area requirements: none, except as provided in §§ 155.146 and 115.152.
   (F)   Parking requirements may be found in §§ 155.165 to 155.168.
   (G)   Sign requirements may be found in §§ 155.180 to 155.192.
(Prior Code, § 6.16) (Ord. 20-82, passed 9-28-1982)