(A)   Principal uses permitted:
      (1)   Those principal uses permitted in the Highway Business District (B-3), provided, however, that with respect to such uses the front yard requirements set forth in § 155.094(D) shall apply;
      (2)   Wholesale business;
      (3)   Laundry, cleaning, and dyeing plants;
      (4)   Mobile home and travel trailer sales and service;
      (5)   Dairy or other food product bottling plants;
      (6)   Tire retreading or recapping;
      (7)   Truck terminals and freight yards;
      (8)   Shops of special trade and general contractors such as electrical, plumbing, roofing, heating, carpentry, masonry, painting, plastering, metal work, printing, publishing, lithographing, engraving, sign painting, upholstering, tile mosaic and terrazzo work, and electroplating;
      (9)   Warehouses and storage facilities;
      (10)   Sale of building materials;
      (11)   Sale of feed, grain, or agricultural supplies;
      (12)   Greenhouses and plant nurseries;
      (13)   Machine shops;
      (14)   Automobile service stations;
      (15)   Major or minor automobile and truck repair;
      (16)   Establishments and lots for the display, rental, sale, and repair of farm equipment, contractors’ equipment, and trucks;
      (17)   Automobile and truck sales or service;
      (18)   Used car lots;
      (19)   Boat and marine supplies sales and service;
      (20)   Billboards, subject to setback and other restrictions associated with principal permitted uses; and
      (21)   Restaurants, indoor theaters, retail sales establishments, and personal service establishments, such as barbershops, beauty shops, and shoe repair shops.
   (B)   Accessory uses permitted:
      (1)   Parking lots and structures;
      (2)   Dwelling units occupying the same building as the principal commercial uses;
      (3)   Outdoor storage of materials; and
      (4)   Garage or other building not used as a dwelling and accessory to the principal use.
   (C)   Conditional uses permitted:
      (1)   Car wash establishments, provided that surface water from such establishments shall not drain onto adjacent property, and that adequate on-site storage lanes and parking facilities shall be provided so that no public way shall be used for such purposes; and
      (2)   Churches, libraries, country clubs, recreational and/or social clubs operated not for profit, nursing homes, convalescent or extended care facilities, rest homes, mortuaries, funeral homes, automobile service stations, drive-in banks, and business offices.
   (D)   Dimension and area requirements.
Maximum height
35 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum front yard
Minimum lot area, with sanitary sewer
5,000 square feet
Minimum lot area, without sanitary sewer
43,560 square feet
Minimum lot width
50 feet
Minimum rear yard
Minimum side yard
   (E)   Parking requirements may be found in §§ 155.165 to 155.168.
   (F)   Sign requirements may be found in §§ 155.180 to 155.192.
(Prior Code, § 6.14) (Ord. 5-79, passed 6-12-1979; Ord. 30-83, passed 1-11-1984; Ord. 19-86, passed 9-15-1986; Ord. 10-88, passed 5-24-1988)