(A)   Application form: this form may be obtained from the Planning and Community Development office or from the website www.winchesterky.com. One copy shall be filled out completely and accurately, and submitted as part of the development plan materials.
   (B)   Stormwater pollution protection plan: four copies must accompany the development plan if the applicant wishes to apply for a grading permit following Planning Commission approval.
   (C)   Paper prints of development plan: 19 sets of prints (four complete sets and 15 partial sets containing the site plan and grading plan) shall be submitted, and the sheet size shall be 24" x 36" unless the staff approves another size due to unusual or special circumstances. If necessary, more than one sheet may be used as long as a key is provided that relates each sheet to the entire planned area. The development plan should include, at a minimum, the following information:
      (1)   Title block: the title should be placed on the bottom right-hand corner of the plan and shall contain the following information:
         (a)   Development name: the proposed name of the development, which shall not duplicate nor closely approximate (phonetically or in spelling) the name of any other development in the county. The plan shall be titled “Development Plan of”;
         (b)   Property identification: the record name and mailing address of the property being developed;
         (c)   Identification: the name, mailing address, and phone number of the property owner, developer, engineer, and anyone else directly involved in the development; and
         (d)   Date of preparation, prepared by, and date of revisions.
      (2)   Vicinity map showing the location of the proposed development (in relation to the surrounding area) shall be placed on the sheet in the upper, right-hand corner. The vicinity map shall be drawn at a scale large enough to show the proposed development’s relationship to existing and proposed community features such as shopping areas and industrial areas. Typically one inch should not exceed 2,000 feet;
      (3)   Legend;
      (4)   The written scale between (1" = 10' and 1" = 50');
      (5)   North arrow;
      (6)   Design engineer’s certification should be signed, dated, stamped and read as follows: “This development plan was prepared by me or under my direction and has been designed to meet the requirements of the Winchester/Clark County Zoning Ordinance and this chapter;”
      (7)   Owner’s certification shall be signed, dated, and witnessed as follows: “I (we) do hereby certify that I am (we are) the only owner(s) of record of the property platted hereon, said property being the same (or a portion of) property conveyed to me (us) by          , dated           , and recorded in Deed        Book       , Page        , in the Clark County Clerk’s Office; and I (we) do hereby adopt this as my (our) development plan for this property;”
      (8)   Planning Commission certification to be signed and dated by the Planning Commission secretary if the development plan is approved: “I do hereby certify that this development plan was approved by the Planning Commission;”
      (9)    Existing conditions on and adjacent to the tract: the following information detailing existing conditions shall be shown (property and other lines off the tract should be shown as dashed lines):
         (a)   The boundary lines of the tract should be shown by a special line style and weight (such as, heavy solid line) which will provide quick and easy distinction between the developer’s property and any adjacent property;
         (b)   Existing easements: location, width, and purpose of all easements;
         (c)   Names of all adjacent property owners;
         (d)   All buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, access points from public right-of-ways, fences and the like;
         (e)   Zoning classification of site and all adjacent properties;
         (f)   Streets: location, name, pavement width, and right-of-way width;
         (g)   Utilities: the location of sanitary and storm sewers; water mains, gas lines, fire hydrants, electric lines, communication towers fiber optic lines;
         (h)   Other conditions: water courses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, isolated trees of six inch caliper or greater, houses, barns, and other significant features. Indicate which will be retained and which removed; and
         (i)   FEMA flood plain areas and base flood elevations on and adjacent to the tract. Flood map number shall be referenced.
(Ord. passed 3- -1995; Ord. passed 10- -2005; Ord. 2018-03, passed 2-14-2018; Ord. passed 1- -2020)