(A) When the prerequisites have been met for use of the negotiated process, the Judge/Executive or purchasing officer shall proceed to negotiate with one or more suppliers in order to obtain the most advantageous terms for the county.
(B) The Judge/Executive or purchasing officer shall prepare a record of all negotiated contracts, showing the items and quantities acquired, name of suppliers, cost, and date of contract.
(C) Professional services shall be negotiated with such persons as are properly licensed to perform such services and shall be limited to those services to which the license applies.
(D) Where there has already been a bid process and more than one bid was received and all were in excess of the amount available, the lowest three bidders shall be notified that the county desires to negotiate a contract for a lesser amount based on revised quantities or specifications and fix a time for submission of proposals.
(E) The Judge/Executive or purchasing officer shall examine the proposals received and shall negotiate with the suppliers for the terms most advantageous to the county.
(F) The best negotiated proposal shall be submitted to the Fiscal Court for approval and award.
(G) The Judge/Executive or purchasing officer shall notify all persons submitting a proposal that the award has been made.
(Prior Code, § 22.105) (Ord. passed 6-13-1994)