All licenses granted hereunder shall be granted subject to the following conditions as well as any other conditions of this chapter, and subject to all other ordinances, statutes, or regulations of the county or state applicable thereto.
   (A)   Every applicant procuring a license thereby consents to the entry of the Sheriff or other duly authorized representatives of the county or state at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection and search, and consents to the removal from said premises of all things and ordinances there had in violation of county ordinances or state laws, and consents to the introduction of such things and ordinances in evidence in any prosecution that may be brought for such offenses.
   (B)   No person, firm, or corporation holding a license under the provisions of this chapter shall sell any intoxicating alcoholic liquor behind blinds or screens, but such sales shall be conducted openly and without any attempt to hide it or screen it from public view.
   (C)   Each licensed premises shall at all times be conducted in an orderly manner, and no disorderly, riotous, or indecent conduct shall be allowed at any time on any licensed premises.
   (D)   No gambling or game of chance of any sort shall be permitted in any form upon the licensed premises. Dice, slot machines, or any device of chances are prohibited and shall not be kept upon the premises.
(Prior Code, § 63.011) (Ord. 2001-11, passed 10-15-2001) Penalty, see § 114.99