(A)   Building Permit Applications. All applications for a building permit for uses requiring landscaping, as set forth herein shall include a landscape plan which provides the following:
      (1)   The date, scale, north arrow, project name and name of the owner;
      (2)   The location of property lines and dimensions of the tract;
      (3)   Commercial landscaping plans must be submitted by a registered professional landscaping architect, registered architect, professional engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Oklahoma, or by a horticulture professional;
      (4)   The design of the required improvements shall be in conformance with the standards, requirements, and provisions of the applicable agency or department, and their regulations;
      (5)   The approximate center line of existing water courses, the approximate location of significant drainage features, the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, existing and proposed utility easements and overhead utility lines on or adjacent to the lot, and existing and proposed sidewalks on or adjacent to the lot;
      (6)   The location, size and type (tree, shrub, ground cover, or grass) of existing landscaping and the location and size and type (tree, shrub, ground cover, or grass) of the proposed landscaped areas;
      (7)   Planting details and/or specifications;
      (8)   The method to be used during construction to protect existing trees from damage;
      (9)   The proposed irrigation system, including a description of the type of irrigation system used for each required landscape area; and
      (10)   The schedule of installation of required landscaping and equipment, which must:
         (a)   Specify installation of all required landscaping and equipment, except trees, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy;
         (b)   Specify installation of required trees within the landscape plan within 120 days after issuance of the certificate of occupancy; and
         (c)    Planned unit developments (PUD) may require that all landscaping and equipment be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   (B)   Certification of Installation.
      (1)   Within a planned unit development, certification of the installation of required landscaping must be provided as required by the special provisions of that PUD, if applicable.
      (2)   In all other cases, within 120 days of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, written certification shall be submitted to the city stating that all landscaping and equipment has been installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Written certification is to be supplied by an architect, landscape architect, professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Oklahoma, the property owner, or a horticulture professional.
      (3)   If the above subsections are not complied with the certificate of occupancy shall be subject to revocation by the Zoning Officer.
   (C)   Administrative Review. After receipt of a landscape plan and prior to issuance of a building permit, the Zoning Officer will review the plan and:
      (1)   Approve the landscape plan as complying with the requirements of this chapter;
      (2)   Approve the landscape plan with conditions which bring it into compliance with the requirement of this chapter; or
      (3)   Reject the landscape plan, giving the reasons in writing, as failing to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   Appeal Process. A decision of the Zoning Officer regarding the landscape plan may be appealed to the Board of Adjustment by any person aggrieved by such decision.
(Ord. 2002-04, passed 2-4-02)