The city authorizes placement of manufactured (mobile) homes outside licensed manufactured (mobile) home parks if the homes comply with the following conditions:
(A) All required permits shall be obtained for manufactured homes; and
(B) All homes shall:
(1) Comply with all regulations for the area in which they are located;
(2) Have ground floor space of at least 960 square feet;
(3) Have a width of at least 20 feet;
(4) Be placed on a foundation constructed of masonry, concrete or treated wood, with footings supporting the foundation constructed of solid masonry or concrete placed at a minimum depth of five feet below the finished grade;
(5) Have exterior siding extending from within six inches of the finished grade or two inches of foundation, which siding shall be of a conventional exterior dwelling-type material. Any metal siding shall have horizontal edges and overlap in sections no wider than 12 inches. Sheet metal siding is not permitted;
(6) Have a pitched roof covered with shingles or tile and have eaves of not less than six inches;
(7) Be built in conformance with state statutes;
(8) Have available for inspection, manufacturer’s instructions specifying how the home is to be situated on a permanent foundation; and
(9) Have all exterior and bearing stud walls to be of at least two inches by four inches construction.
(Prior Code, § 4.10)