(a)   2.5 acres of the real estate being acquired from the Circleville Board of Education known as the Everts Middle School property, as more fully described in the attached Exhibit “A”, is hereby determined not to be required for any municipal purpose and it is therefore necessary to convey this property to promote the welfare of the citizens of the City of Circleville and the economic development and revitalization of the properties located within the revitalization plan of the City.
   (b)   The Mayor of the City of Circleville and/or the Circleville Pickaway Community Improvement Corporation, dba Pickaway Progress Partners (P3) hereinafter referred to as P3, as agent of the City, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement and otherwise take all action, including the signing of any deeds or other closing documents, necessary to transfer and convey title to the attached 2.5 acres of the Everts Middle School property as part of the plan of the City for reclamation, rehabilitation and revitalization of said property.
   (c)   The Mayor and/or P3, as the community improvement corporation and agent of the City, is hereby authorized to sell or lease this property for an amount not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and subject to such other terms and conditions as are deemed appropriate in connection with promoting the reclamation, rehabilitation and reutilization of this portion of the Everts Middle School property and to further execute any agreements, deeds or other documents necessary for the completion of this transaction.
   (d)   As the agent for the City in the sale or lease of this property, P3 shall be entitled to be reimbursed any costs incurred by it resulting from this transaction which shall be submitted and approved for payment. Any excess proceeds after costs of the sale of the property and such reimbursement to P3 shall be paid to the City.
(Ord. 02-16-15. Passed 2-17-15.)