(a)   The City may, upon proper application, provide time off with pay for a period of up to six months for such classified fire and police personnel as receive incapacitating injuries sustained in the course of employment, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 737.14.
   (b)   Eligibility for such pay shall be initially determined by the Director of Public Safety. No such pay shall issue except upon a resolution of Council confirming the initial determination of the Director.
   (c)   Applications for determination of eligibility must be submitted to the Director within thirty days after incurring any such injury.
   (d)   The Director may, in addition to any factual demonstration he might require, designate a physician to examine the applicant so as to enable the Director and Council to understand the nature, extent and anticipated duration of the applicant's injury.
   (e)   For purposes of implementing this section "temporary or permanent" injury means any injury, whether or not producing incapacitation and whether or not caused by external accidental means or accidental in character and result, received in the course of, and arising out of, the injured employee's employment.
   (f)   For purposes of implementing this section "in the course of, and arising out of, employment" means that there is to the rational mind a causal connection between the risk or risks arising by reason of the nature of, the employment and the injury, which injury must be the result of a risk of the employment.
   (g)   Determinations of whether a claimant has suffered a qualifying injury or whether such injury was in the course of employment shall be determined solely by the Director and Council.
   (h)   If an applicant should retire or otherwise leave the employment of the City, either voluntarily or involuntarily during a period of eligibility for the within benefits, such employee's rights, if any, to any such benefits shall terminate.
(Ord. 46-76. Passed 5-18-76.)