(a) Continuation of any structure which is devoted to a use which is permitted in the Zoning District in which it is located, but which is located on a lot which does not comply with the applicable lot size requirements and/or development standards, may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the restrictions of this Chapter.
(b) Any such structure described in Chapter 1117 may be enlarged, maintained, repaired, or structurally altered; provided, however, that no such enlargement, maintenance, repair, or structural alteration shall either create any additional non- conformity or increase or extend the degree of existing non-conformity of all or any part of such structures.
(c) No structure described in Section Chapter 1117 shall be moved in whole or in part for any distance whatsoever, to any other location on the same or any other lot unless the entire structure shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the zoning District in which it will be located after being moved. A Zoning Permit shall be required prior to moving such Structure.
(d) A nonconforming mobile home, as defined in this Ordinance, located in any district, once removed shall not be relocated on such lot, or replaced with another mobile home.
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)