(a)   In any district in which one-unit dwellings are permitted; a single, one-unit dwelling may be erected on any legally existing non-conforming lot. This provision shall apply even though such lot may not comply with the minimum lot area, lot width, or lot frontage requirements that are generally applicable in the district. All other requirements, including yard setback requirements, of the applicable district shall apply. Variances from the required yard setback standards shall be obtained only through action of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (b)   Notwithstanding subsection (a) hereof, if there are two (2) or more lots with contiguous frontage under the same ownership at the effective date of this Ordinance or amendment thereto that either separately or together, do not comply with the applicable lot area, lot frontage or lot width requirements, then such lots shall be considered one Nonconforming Lot of Record for purposes of this Zoning Ordinance. Only a single, one-unit dwelling will be permitted on said lots. All other requirements, including yard setback requirements, of the applicable zoning district shall apply. Variances from the required yard setback standards shall be obtained only through action of the Board of Zoning Appeals. All such Lots shall be required to be replatted, resurveyed or otherwise combined prior for a Zoning Permit for the intended use being issued. No portion of said Lots shall be used or sold in a manner which diminishes compliance with the lot width, Frontage or Lot Area requirements established by this Zoning Ordinance. 
   (c)   No Nonconforming Lot of Record shall be divided in a manner that would further reduce the lot frontage, lot width or lot area below the requirements stated in this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)