(a)   The Historic Review Board may from time to time review and propose additional properties, areas or landmarks to be included within the Historic Overlay District. The final determination shall be made by Council after obtaining a recommendation from the Historic Review Board and holding a public hearing. Prior to that hearing, at least one (1) notification shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing.
   (b)   Criteria. The property, area, or landmark must comply with at least three of the following criteria in order for the Historic Review Board to recommend and City Council to determine that a property is historically significant and should be added to the Historic Overlay District.
      (1)   It has a direct association with a significant historic event or with the historical development of the city, state, or nation;
      (2)   It has direct and substantial association with a recognized person or group of persons who had influence on society;
      (3)   It embodies the distinctive visible characteristics of an architectural style or type;
      (4)   It is a significant example of the work of a recognized architect or master builder;
      (5)   It contains elements of design, engineering, materials, craftsmanship, or artistic merit which represent a significant innovation or technical achievement;
      (6)   It represents an established and familiar feature of the neighborhood, community, or contemporary city, due to its prominent location or physical characteristics;
      (7)   It promotes understanding and appreciation of the urban environment by means of distinctive physical characteristics or rarity;
      (8)   It represents an era of culture or heritage that allows an understanding of how the site was used by past generations;
      (9)   It is a physical attribute of a neighborhood, community, or the city that is a source of pride or cultural understanding; or
      (10)   It is associated with social movements, institutions, or patterns of growth or change that contributed significantly to the culture of the neighborhood, community, city, state, or nation.
         (Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 12-21-23.)