(a)   An applicant shall apply for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance after completing the Work described in an approved Zoning Permit. The application shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector.
   (b)   No building or structure shall be occupied or utilized in any manner until such time a Certificate of Zoning Compliance has been issued by the Zoning Inspector. The Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall state:
      (1)   The proposed use is in conformance with the approved Zoning Permit; and
      (2)   The buildings and/or structures have been constructed in accordance with the approved Zoning Permit.
      (3)   If there are any non-conforming uses or structures located on said property, the Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall note the existing non-conforming status on the Certificate of Zoning Compliance.
   (c)   A Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall not be issued until a signed letter from the applicable water and sewer authority has been provided stating that water and sanitary sewer systems have been installed and approved by said authority.
   (d)   The Zoning Inspector shall maintain a record of all Certificates of Zoning Compliance.
   (e)   The Zoning Inspector is authorized to issue a Temporary Certificate of Zoning Compliance that does not exceed six (6) months provided:
      (1)   All completed work at the time the Temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance is issued complies with the approved Zoning Permit.
      (2)   The reason the unfinished work has not been completed is due to circumstances beyond the applicant's control, such as the weather.
      (3)   That the temporary occupancy of a building does not impair public health and safety. (Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)